300wby mag

Guest longbeard

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Guest longbeard

i need some help here i recently purchased a 300 wbymag vanguard deluxe walnut stock really nice i couldn't refuse because they sold it to me for half off was 535 i got it for $275.Now here is where i need the help should i take this gun to a gunsmith and have him float the barrel bed the stock lighten the trigger and install a muzzle brake he said he can do all of this for $300.00 or shall i just sell this gun and by something a little nicer like a tikka or a browning it is a nice gun and i won't have alot in it when i am done is it worth doing and the gunsmith said on the trigger he won't go less than 3lbs he said that is light enough with all the creep removed.All info is appreciated thanks jeremy.

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Re: 300wby mag

It ususllay runs about $150 or so to have a brake installed, anywhere from $75-$200 to have a pillar bed job, and $25-$50 for a trigger job. I had a Vanguard VGX and it shot ok, not great until I floated the barrel and did a bedding job. It shot consistent 1" groups after that. The only downside to a Vanguard is the shorter barrel. The 300 Wby likes barrel length and will give great results from longer tubes. I have a custom 700 chambered in 300 Wby that has a 28" barrel (no brake) and it will turn out 300 RUM speeds. Anyhoo, try the gun and see how you like it. If it has too much recoil, I would look at getting a different gun in a standard chambering before I would add a brake.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: 300wby mag

A 300wby is alot of gun. It's a great elk caliber. But if your mainly hunting deer---I would think of selling it & then buy a nice Tikka---in 30/06, 270, 308 etc----standard stuff. A Tikka already has a great trigger set at 3lbs from the factory. Barrel is already free floated & it's guaranteed to shoot 1" groups from the factory. I've got one----real nice gun.

You said you don't reload-----you can practice alot will the standard stuff from Walmart @ $10 a box. The 300 wby is @$40 per.

Just my thought. CB

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