taking young bucks.

Guest yarddog

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Guest yarddog

i am not sure were to start i live in southern ohio and live inside a national forest and there is more deer here then anyother place i have visited. i drive 47 miles to work every day and see 40 to 50 deer each way.and we have some big deer here but you have to let the little bucks go to get a shot at a big one. my little honey hole that i hunt is loaded with does and some small bucks and a few monsters. in the last few years a lot of out of state hunters have started hunting there and they kill the little bucks as they are easy to kill and then complain that they dont see any big bucks. well anyone that has hunted the big boys knows you have to pass on the little ones to gets the big boys, now dont get me wrong if it is a kid let them take a small buck or any one that comes along to get them hooked on the sport as both of my kids have taken does and they are hooked.but there is no better feeling then to take a big boy that you have hunted hard day in and day out.but guys this wont happen if you kill the little guys. i have had several seasons that i have killed 3 does and had a great season.i know i have went on too long but to end if you are coming here to kill the little ones just do your self a favor stay home and spend your money on your kids or wife we dont need it. but if you are coming here to kill a 160 or above deer then come on and i will give you a little seceret here ask some of the farmers on the river bottems to hunt as that is were the big boys stay and the farmers like to get rid of them as they tear up a lot of fence and let cows out and it cost the farmers a lot of money mad.gif

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Re: taking young bucks.

Unfortunately the mentality of letting the little ones walks around here goes out the window when hunters see a deer. If you can hunt a large enough property and let the little ones go and know they have a good chance then that is great. For the guys like me who have tried year after year and hear the same complaints as you "I never see any big deer, but I shot this nice little 1.5 year old that was the first deer that came through", it really gets old. Unfortunately it gets really disheartening to continually pass deer and hear all the shots around you and then after the first few days of the gun seasons, you no longer see deer around, and are no longer getting any pics on the cams around your property.

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Re: taking young bucks.

Why should only a kid get to kill small bucks? Isn't it the hunters right to kill any deer they want? Legally of course.

It's kind of narrow mined to tell hunters to stay home unless they plan on killing a monster buck. It they hunt legally, I say let them kill what they want.

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Re: taking young bucks.

I think it is a hunters right to kill a buck if it is 1.5 yrs old if that is what he or she wants to shoot. I sometimes feel that we get caught up in "trophy" hunting and forget why we hunt in the first place. If you want to wait for a wall hanger that is your choice and that is fine, but I will never make fun of or degrade another hunter because they shoot a small buck. The only way you can control what other people shoot is to own a very large amount of property and unfortunately most of us are unable to do that.

One thing to consider, how much money is made off of hunters in search of trophy deer? Think of all the camo, calls, scents, decoys, stands, and other equipment you have invested in. Big business.

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Re: taking young bucks.


in the last few years a lot of out of state hunters have started hunting there and they kill the little bucks as they are easy to kill

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.i know i have went on too long but to end if you are coming here to kill the little ones just do your self a favor stay home and spend your money on your kids or wife we dont need it.

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Well, first off in your profile it doesnt say where "here" is.

Secondly im sure the same non resident hunters your complaining about are spending much more money on thier NR tags then you are for your resident tags.

And third, when they purchase that tag theyre entitled to shoot whatever legal deer they want, not just deer that meet your personal standards.You have the entire season to hunt, they have a few days and have spent a buttload of money to do it.You never mention other local hunters, does everyone in your area hold out for 160 class deer?Ill bet not, its not just nonresidents.Im sure the local busineses would love to hear that these out of state hunters are being encouraged to stay home with thier money and not spend it at the local motels, eating places, gas stations, campgrounds, sporting goods stores etc...

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Re: taking young bucks.

I completely agree with horst ............. Who is a person to complain on anothers trophy ? Maybe the next time i go to west virginia to hunt, i should complain to the LOCALS who shoot anything below a 6 point !!!! I just cant and never will be so judgemental to another hunter on what they shoot .........

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Re: taking young bucks.

I don't know about your state but in NY there are hunters who go out and fill there wives, uncles, friends, their kids and any other tag they can get their hands on, this really gets under my skin. We manage one piece of property and we have one piece of property we do not manage, next to our management we have an idiot who fills everyone elses tags and just happen to stumble on a nice 11 point, that should have NEVER happened because he should have been done hunting a long time ago. The DEC does not care to much about those people because they are sneaky enough to get around them and once the deer is at the house or the butcher you can not prove it. If you want to shoot young bucks that is ok I have done it myslef but when I put a tag on that deer I am done, the season is over for buck hunting. The buck to doe ratio would be a lot better off if you shot your 1 buck here and that was it. It is not fair to us who follow the rules and use our one tag. I am in favor of AR's in NY state to save some of the young bucks so that when i go in the woods I don't have to worry about every little deer getting killed by some stupid redneck trying to prove his man hood by shooting everything. If everyone would follow the rules there would be no need to even worry about that and I am sure this is the same in every state.

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Re: taking young bucks.

QDMA, what your talking about is actually poaching, what the original post was about was someone not liking the fact out of staters were killing perfectly legal deer.

Instead of antler restriction why not lean on the DEC to enforce the rules that are already in place?Why impose a blanket rule on all legal hunters because some chose to hunt illegaly?

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Re: taking young bucks.

Texan, say you spend a couple hundred bucks for a tag, drive across country, pay for a week in a hotel and you dont see any big deer.The last night a basket rack buck comes in close to dark and theres no other deer in sight.For what I have tied up in the trip Id have a hard time justifying not shooting him.These guys arent neccassarily shooting the first buck that blunders by, not saying it doent happen but its not always the case.

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Re: taking young bucks.


QDMA, what your talking about is actually poaching, what the original post was about was someone not liking the fact out of staters were killing perfectly legal deer.

Instead of antler restriction why not lean on the DEC to enforce the rules that are already in place?Why impose a blanket rule on all legal hunters because some chose to hunt illegaly?

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I knew someone would say it was two different things, appologize not trying to hi-jack, but at the time I was writting I just got off the phone with a neighbor who follows the rules and he told me the poacher next door got the nice buck.

Well I know it is poaching and let me just tell you about the dec around here, they KNEW there was a guy around here killing all sorts of bucks and could never catch him, he continues to do what he always has. So the legal system is not working, the majority of the people around here fill others tags. I want AR's for more than just that reason it is just one, they might be able to track down people who have deer that are not legal. Everything is legal at this point and if someone has taken young deer that is fine but just take one, and if the legislation is passed to have AR's in NY I support it. Just want people to follow the rules

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Re: taking young bucks.


Texan, say you spend a couple hundred bucks for a tag, drive across country, pay for a week in a hotel and you dont see any big deer.The last night a basket rack buck comes in close to dark and theres no other deer in sight.For what I have tied up in the trip Id have a hard time justifying not shooting him.These guys arent neccassarily shooting the first buck that blunders by, not saying it doent happen but its not always the case.

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It's not all about killing a deer. I've been on guided trips and come home empty handed, as well as out of state unguided trips with the same result. But I took a lot more out of the trip than wishing I killed a deer. I love hunting, and killing nice mature deer, but it's the whole experience that keeps me hooked. Just my $0.02

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Re: taking young bucks.

Yep, I'm not heading out of state looking for meat for the freezer. I'm going to enjoy the hunt, the scenery, my friends, and maybe bring home a trophy. My standards for what I'll shoot are set when I start the trip and don't change one bit, even at the last 5 minutes of the last day. And I certainly won't feel cheated or feel like I wasted my time and money just because I came home empty handed. Heck, I've zeroed on 2 of the last 3 out of state mule deer hunts I went on, and on both of those I had opportunities at small bucks but chose to pass them up. And both were great trips!

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Re: taking young bucks.

Where I hunt you dont see enough deer to be picky anyways. A young buck might be the only buck all season that I would see. I dont think that there is anything wrong with taking young bucks if thats what you are looking for. If you are purely trophy hunting then it wouldnt really be smart to take a young buck but its the individuals decision not anyone else's.

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Guest yarddog

Re: taking young bucks.

this post started as i helped a guy from tenn drag out a 8 point basket rac that he had killed yesterday. this guy had no knife to field dress it with and no drag rope. then after i helped him he griped about not seeing any big bucks well that done it!i told him they are there then i showed him some pics from my field cams and he could not belive it. i had seen him in there last year in bow season and i let him know it as he had his cell phone with him and it kept going off and i could hear him from my stand. hello we are hunting leave the cell in the truck. and the bad part was the were both hunting a place that i had pics of a big nontypical and of course they did not see him and neather did i.but it was there money.but the last straw was on my way out i saw two guys from ky that had two small bucks in the back of there truck. well there goes 3 deer that could of grown up and been somebodys wall hanger!and as for the post that griped about not shooting deer under 160 i work with over 450 people and most bowhunt and every year there is several deer taken over 160 and this year i know of two that are over 180 and one that is over 190 if i can get a pic of it i will post it but to look at the other just get a copy of the next north american whitetail mag and read th e story about the deer taken in adams county ohio and i will reast my case

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Guest yarddog

Re: taking young bucks.


well let me say this guy knows his stuff

Yep, I'm not heading out of state looking for meat for the freezer. I'm going to enjoy the hunt, the scenery, my friends, and maybe bring home a trophy. My standards for what I'll shoot are set when I start the trip and don't change one bit, even at the last 5 minutes of the last day. And I certainly won't feel cheated or feel like I wasted my time and money just because I came home empty handed. Heck, I've zeroed on 2 of the last 3 out of state mule deer hunts I went on, and on both of those I had opportunities at small bucks but chose to pass them up. And both were great trips!

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Re: taking young bucks.

if they are taken legally...then its fine by me...i am tired of hearing about psomeone killing a deer, legally...and others complaining about it because they don't follow the same magement as them...if it is that big of a deal, go buy some property and set your rules there for you and anyone else you let hunt it...JMO

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Guest yarddog

Re: taking young bucks.

but there is a deferance between deer killing and deer hunting.and to the deer killers keep dreaming and one day a big boy might come out in front of you and comit sucide,

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Re: taking young bucks.

some people just feel they don't need giant antlers to be a successful hunter, to them its about filling the freezer, and theres nothing wrong with that...a doe, young buck..whatever...it is their choice, not yours, they spend money on tags like everyone else...if you look at your wall and feel you are a great hunter thats fine, but some people find it more important to feed their family first and worry about showing off last...

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Guest yarddog

Re: taking young bucks.

if you read the first post you would have seen the part about ther is plenty of does here. we call gun season around here time to fill the freezer most does are killed in gun season here to feed the family. as i do every year.i am not saying that i am a great hunter but i have seen the look on guys faces when they have a relly big buck hanging in ther garage. my neighbor of 67 years took a big 180 class buck last year his first big deer and he said he can remember when there was no deer to hunt cause every one killed every deer they seen to feed the family as every one was poor around here in this coal mining area

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