Guest OldBuckhunter

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Guest OldBuckhunter

Hey, you guys that hunt in heavy snow. Its really coming down out here in Illinois and was wondering about hunting in heavy snow-fall. I know a lot of game will hunker down and was wondering if anyone still goes out in weather like this for deer. Right now it is rut time here also. Friends are out duck and goose hunting right now but I told them I doubt any will be winging it. Wind is probably blowing in the 30 mph right now and expected to increase as storm intensifies. What's yor take!!

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Heavy snow and high winds can be great for deer hunting if you like to still hunt.The snow makes walking quiet and the wind covers any noise you might make, if you know where a good bedding ground is Id be out there sneaking through it.Deer stand out good in the fresh snow and it makes spoting them a lot easier as well.

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