870 Super Mag Express question???


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i just bought the Remington 870 super mag express...the one with the 3 1/2 inch capability....so here's my question..it came with a full choke in it...i want to shotgun hunt with it but i dont have a slug barrell...will i hurt anything with shooting a slug through it or not?...also should i take the choke out if i do shoot slugs through it? confused.gif

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Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???

Never shoot slugs through a full choke ... improved is the best choice ... and modified would be ok too but not my first choice .. I would not shoot that gun with no choke either that slug will chew up them threads that your choke screw into ... go get a improved 870 choke for 15 bucks and call it good ...


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Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???


i want to shotgun hunt with it but i dont have a slug barrell...will i hurt anything with shooting a slug through it or not?..

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I thought you were NOT supposed to shoot slugs through the field barrel, that you have to put a slug gun barrel on. Am I wrong here?

I always thought it was a big no no to do this. Why do they sell the express combo's then. One field barrel and one slug barrel.

You might want to check with Remington. I think these other replies were referring to what type of chokes you can use for slugs and didnt realize you were not using a slug barrel.

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Guest AustinAggie

Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???

yes you can use a bird barrel for slugs. most people probably view the rifled barrel as being more accurate, but a regular barrel works fine. you can safely and accurately shoot rifled slugs out of a bird barrel using an improved or modified choke. modified will probably provide better accuracy, it does for me.

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Guest Hunter36

Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???

All I have hunted deer with is slug guns. I shoot 870s in 12gage and 20 gage. taken around 20 deer with them. My 12 gage has a slug barrel but my 20 gage has a smooth barrel with a modified choke. I shoot federal ultra-shok rifled slugs and have killed many deer around 100yrds out. (we use scopes!!!)

My dad has shot deer out to 125 yrds with his gun and my uncle shot a buck in Iowa at around 200yrds believe it or not. by finding the right slug and shooting alot i can easily hit a normal sized paper plate at 200yrds 10 out of 10 times.

With all that said slug barrels with sabot slugs shrink groups alot and extends barrel life. do not shoot rifled slugs out of rifled barrels though.

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Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???


do not shoot rifled slugs out of rifled barrels though.

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I've never understood this line of reasoning. I did it for about 18 years with no ill effect. I even called Remington about it when this came up with some friends and Remington told me other than lead fouling (which is easily dealt with) there is no harm done to a modern, fully rifled, Chrome Moly barrel by a slow, mostly lead slug at relatively low pressures and temperatures. Long range accuracy is not even close to a sabot slug, but out to 50 yards or so, they kill like the Hammer of Thor. My 18 year old factory Remington barrel shoots as good as the day i took it out of the box, and i've shot at least 200 foster style slugs through it. I'm not sure how the old "don't shoot rifled slugs out of rifled barrels" myth ever got started. confused.gif

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Guest Hunter36

Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???



do not shoot rifled slugs out of rifled barrels though.

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but out to 50 yards or so, they kill like the Hammer of Thor.

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I dont get while people underestimate slug guns. confused.gif my roomate was talking to a worker at Cabelas and he actually said that buckshot was more effective than a rifled slug through a smooth bore. first of all NO!!! and second buck shot is illegal in Minnesota. My roomate had never used slug guns before this year and i almost flipped a lid on the supposed knowledged worker behind the gun counter. mad.gif

50 yrds with a slug gun (smooth bore with rifled slugs is a chip shot. like i stated before i have shot several deer beyond 100yrds with a 20gage 870 with rifled slugs. and my uncle, also stated above, shot and dropped in its track a 160 inch deer at 200yrds with that same gun in iowa. practice practice practice. we use quality scopes and try ever slug we can.

when i stated "dont shoot rifled slugs out of rifled barrells" i did this becasue there is no point. if you spend the money on the barrell buying sabot slugs is definately worth it. in my experience and the distances i have shot at, rifled slugs do not shoot as good as sabots out of a rifled barrell. just my opinion based on experience.

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Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???


I have a mossberg that strictly says do not shoot slugs through bird barrel. Maybe these Rem's are different. Good question though, better to be safe then sorry.

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Your 12 ga. Mossberg is probably overbored to 10 ga. dimensions, I had the 835 and currently the 935,

you can't use slugs in the overbored barrels, you need to buy a Moss. barrel that is true 12 ga.


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Re: 870 Super Mag Express question???


All I have hunted deer with is slug guns. I shoot 870s in 12gage and 20 gage. taken around 20 deer with them. My 12 gage has a slug barrel but my 20 gage has a smooth barrel with a modified choke. I shoot federal ultra-shok rifled slugs and have killed many deer around 100yrds out. (we use scopes!!!)

My dad has shot deer out to 125 yrds with his gun and my uncle shot a buck in Iowa at around 200yrds believe it or not. by finding the right slug and shooting alot i can easily hit a normal sized paper plate at 200yrds 10 out of 10 times.

With all that said slug barrels with sabot slugs shrink groups alot and extends barrel life. do not shoot rifled slugs out of rifled barrels though.

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do u guys use a b-square? and what kinda scopes do u use? i just got a b-sguare for my 870 and wanna put a scope on it

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