How far will you shoot at a deer?


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I myself don't risk a shot any farther than 35 yds, it's just so thick in these mountains that the margin of error is down to nothing beyond 35 yds for me

I understand that up north 50-60 yd shots are fairly common on stalks, but what do you consider your effetive range in the areas you hunt?

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Guest psefirestormlite

Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

There are in big trouble if they get in my shooting lanes at 30 to 35 yards. After 35 I'm not as confident nor as accurate

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Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

I don't shoot much past 30 yards here at home. However a 50 yard shot at a big bull elk in open country isn't that much of a risk as far as I'm concerned. I practice a lot at 70 yards. I would never shoot 70 yards but when you pratice at that distance 30 yards is like shooting 10 yards. At least it is for me.

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Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

The furthest I've ever shot a deer is 36 yds and that was dead on through the heart. My shot's depend on how I feel about the situation. If I'm calm and confident then I take the shot out to 50 yds. If I don't like the shot them I don't take it. That's my practice range and I make sure I'm dead on.

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Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

I practice on a regular basis at 40 to 50 yards, so my shorter shots are easy. So, if all the moons and planets line up, I'll take a 45 to 50 yards shot. More than likely this will be a field shot when I'm on the edge of a field, hunting it. If I'm in the woods, it'll usually be under a 20 yard shot. My furthest kill has been 40 yards, no trees, no saplings, no tall grass or anything in the way.

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Guest jason88

Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

where i hunt at the area is so thick that if the deer are more than 30 yards away you will never see them, so obviously that is what i limit myself too.

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Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

I practiced at 60 and 70 yards this year. I would take a shot up to 50 yards if the situation was right. I had a couple of muley does at 50 this year, but the shots just weren't right so I did not release. I always attempt to get inside of 40 yards.

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Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

I shot a doe this year that I thought was 40 ... I shot her right through the heart ... she went less then 30 yards ... I wanted to shoot a deer at 50 yards just to see what my bow would do ... and what do you know ... when we actually ranged that deer she was at 49 yards ... I guess my bow can handle it ... which is good to know ... it was a complete pass through and there was blood everywhere.

On a side note and probably the most important note .. I have been practicing at longer ranges a lot ... so I fealt real comfortable shooting at that distance ... which I believe is the key to successful long shots.


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Re: How far will you shoot at a deer?

I've harvested deer out to 50, but will not take the same shot again if the deer is aware of my presence. I'm confident with my shot out to 50, though, but I'm limiting myself to 40 and below.

The three deer I've harvested this year have been 25, 33 and 23 respectively.

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