Funny stuff that happens hunting!

Guest TnLadyhunter

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Guest TnLadyhunter

What is some funny stuff you have run into while hunting or learning to hunt. I have to say the funniest I can think of is the looks I get from others when I tell them I hunt. Wether it is someone in my chair at work (I'm a master stylist) or another hunter.

I remember one time I was on a drawed hunt. i pulled up to the spot I was going to hunt about one hour before daylight. Walked the 3/4 of a mile to my stand just to find I had left the key to my lock that has my treestand locked to the tree in the truck. crazy.gif So I lay my back pack down, take off my heavy layer, lay down my bow and jog back out the road to the truck. I am walking up to the parking area and there is a guy standing there looking at me VERY FUNNY. I thought well I have my mask on that could be it so, when I get even with him I nod and tell him I hope he has a good hunt. shocked.gif His exact words,"Your a GIRL!!!" My words, "have been all my life" LOL. He said well I thought you sure was a funny walking man. I just laughed and he went to asking how far I was back the road. When I told him he couldn't believe I was the one walking the farthest back to hunt. He asked me if I needed any help let him know. Great I thought another babysitter. Well I had to go so I said my good byes and ran back to my stand and got up in plenty of time to not ruin the morning.

It gets worse.

I was walking out to lunch kinda expecting to run into several others at the parking area. Well the area was full and they were all guys. As I come strolling out someone said, " there she is" Everyone turns to look at me. They had been asking each other who had seen what and odviously a girl was the most unbelievable. mad.gif Anyway they waited everyday at lunch and every evening to make sure I didn't need any help. Even after I explained to them my husband had our other truck and was hunting the back side if I needed help getting one out. Don't get me wrong they were nice. It's just funny they can't look at women as just other hunters. I admit at 5'3 and 110 it is hard for me to get a deer out on my own, but I have a friend with a caddy I can borrow anytime and pulling 55lbs on my Hoyt I can drag the deer onto the caddy and roll it out. I love help but I don't love being looked at as helpless. frown.gif I guess that is my funniest. Of course I been lost before and I dropped the bottom of my stand once and had to slip down the tree to get it. But the babysitters were the funniest. What about ya'll.

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

that reminds me of the time i was out hunting , it was at least a 3 mile walk to where i was, thought i was the only one out there and then this guy is walking up to me,his smile is getting bigger and bigger as he got closer, picked up his pace, i'm thinking ,oh God, i'm going to have to shoot this freak, he introduces himself and says" can i have your autograph, you're one of the bullcreek babes", i had my gun pointed at his genitals the whole time, lol....he just wouldnt leave, finally i had to walk away , but i kept looking behind me all the way, lol.....

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

I have people tell me all the time that they can't believe that I hunt. It really freaks them out when I tell them that we do our own field dressing and processing. Everyone at work always jokes and talks about if there was a nuclear bomb and no food or stores open that they are going to come to my house. Because I know how to live off the land. lol...sounds like a Hank Jr. song to

I love it though, wouldn't live any other way.

By the way, that was funny HuntnMa...

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Guest TnLadyhunter

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

Yeah I do my own field dressing and we process all our meat our selves to. I can't imagine not between me and my husband we got 11 deer last year can you imagine paying 40 to 50 dollars each processing???? That's crazy!

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Guest TnLadyhunter

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

Yeah they never expect you to hunt, and then when they learn you do it on your own and know how to do ever aspect of it. They are in total shock! It's like they think we aren't capable of doing it on our own. What is funny is when they learn you shoot as big a gun as they do, or you scout out your own monster buck and get him! But I am fortunate enough to have friends who are happy to see me hunt and just treat me as another equal hunter.

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

i hate that attitude from the men...the one where they think we can't do it...we had to clean 3 hogs the other day, the one person who knows me inside and out and has for yrs. says" do you know how to skin a pig?" OMG, i basically snapped because he knows i do it all, by myself...usally we all help eachother with the drag out because we hunt so far....but other than that, it's all me and he knows this, i think the only reason he did is because he wanted to be cool, be the man, lol in front of the others that were there....he only made himself look bad because they all know me...but it's funny now, it was if it was someone i didnt know, i would of been fine with it, but this one knew...... i did learn how to clean a deer without gutting it and i still got the was and my sister were cleaning the doe i got the other day and he asked if i was going to take the loins, i said nope, he showed me how, it was too easy, so hopefully i'll never see the guts of another deer as long as i live.....

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

I gotta hand it to you gals that clean your own deer/pigs whatever. I tried it. Didn't like it. Won't do it. crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif ( Unless of course, my kids are on the brink of starvation) wink.gif

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

I bring mine to the butcher it's nice and vaccumed sealed. I like the jerky and sticks. but it does cost to have a good butcher prepare your meat. Glad i only shot

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

boy gals.. if you lived close enough and had a deer i would have offered to help y'all out but now i am scared too!!!!!!! LOL wish the wife had the same interest you girls do!! WTG she loves the meat in the freezer but no killing animals for her! but she does encourage me to take my son and daughter! just wasn't the way she was brought up.

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Guest TnLadyhunter

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

I didn't quite mean it like that. I have a few close knit guy friends that I hunt with and when Richard is at work and I am to deep in the woods to get the 4 wheeler in I call them for help on dragging, but it just gets old hearing Hey! Your a GIRL! Have been all my life ya know! LOL!! It ain't that bad though! I just love hunting and just another hunter! wink.gif

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Guest TnLadyhunter

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

Also we do all our own field dressing and meat processing. Here it is around 40 dollars a piece to get a deer processed. Last year my husband and I took seven deer. That is just too much money. You are right about one thing if it is not a long drag and I am going to process the meat soon I don't field dress the deer either. I only do it if I have a long wait to lighten the load or if I have to let the deer hang awhile.

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!


Huntnma-remind me if I'm in you neck of the woods to wear Kevlar under my Bibs! LMBO

Keep on hunting hard ladies!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't worry about a thing unless you act like some lovesick pyscho and we're 2-3 miles from the nearest truck, lol..... grin.gif

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Guest Huntergirl

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

One night after hunting I was going to my car and some guys pulled over and said Mr. are you in need of help I turned to look and had pulled off my hat one of the guys said look its a hot blonde and she hunting!!! I just laghted and said no I am ok but I will never forget that one. And one time I had a real scary hunt I was droped off and when I was on my way to the stand I had came across a tent I did not know whos it was some one decided to set up camp about 100 yards away from my tree stand I knew that no one is suppose to be in there. I went to my stand with caution I got into my stand and about an hour later someone had came to their home (the tent) my heart was racing I had my bow so if I had to well you know. He stayed for awhile and then left I never seen him again thank goodness.I waited until I could see the truck lights I got down out of the tree and ran to the truck I had the guys check it out they went and took a look they went into the tent and there was, how should I say this lots of porn stuck up all over and lots of other things I cant even wright. So to all of you ladys just keep alert.

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Guest Huntergirl

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

It was creepy!! I think about it every once in a while when I go out for a hunt not so much in the afternoons but in the mornings when I cant see on my way in to the woods. Now I carry a little back up in my pocket. I just might need my little back up to clean out a deer one of these days!!!!!

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Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

Huntergirl, I do believe I would have called the cops on that guy. First of all, he was trespassing, secondly, who knows....he could have been some serial killer/rapist. mad.gifconfused.gif

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Guest Huntergirl

Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting!

Yep, we did all of the above but I did not put in all of the little details! The tent was all torn down and we did call the DNR and the Cops and the people who lived in the area. A couple of guys even sat in the tree to see if they could bust him. But after he came home to no home I think he got the hint. Now there is cell phones and I do carry one but this was years ago and cell phone were far and few.

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