Question for the Gunsmiths


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I am in the process of getting together the components to build a Custom 7mm Ultra Mag off a Rem 700 action. I have decided to go with a Hart barrel. What rate of twist should I order? I plan on using a 140 grain bullet most of the time, but will also play with some 160-168 grain bullets. I have searched the web a little but have yet to find the info. Any input would be appreciated.

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Re: Question for the Gunsmiths

Josh, you know im no gunsmith, but in that fast of a caliber a 1:11 or 1:10 outta get the job done. AJ can probably give you a for sure answer though. Also you may want to go to and post over there. There are a lot of guys that know what they are talking about, inparticular a gunsmith by the name of Kirby Allen who goes by fiftydriver on that forum. He specializes in big magnum calibers. Ive got a 300 rum in layaway right now too...

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