saterdays hunt[bloody pic beware]


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saterday i went out in less than perfect conditions and had a greta day, had responces in about half of the stands in a 30 mph wind,blowing snow and freexing temps,I managed to get 5 out of 6 I called in and shot one more heading into a stand, 2 of the ones i called in one stand were mangy,I only kept 4 and one is really weak should of got rid of him but he may still bring 10 bucks, better than nothing,this week was so cold by the time I got home they were froze so i did not get to skin them right away here are 4 of the ones I brought home saterday and a coyote and badger I got on wed out deer hunting,right now they are thawing out so i can skin tomorrow night!sorry about no field pics, camera batteries do not stay in -30 weather to long,also here is a pic of one of the mangy ones, sorry abotu the blood but thats huntign I guess!! HPIM0705.JPG


you can see no hair on his hind leg,poor bugger was 1/2 froze to death,

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Re: saterdays hunt[bloody pic beware]

the past 2 years I averaged about 45 a hide, prices pretty good, but most winters do not get many, 2 years ago we got lots of snow early and insulated the ground,they could dig all winter, I got 12 I think that winter, I usually only get 2-3 a year!

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Guest Clay008

Re: saterdays hunt[bloody pic beware]



What the heck did you shoot that yote with??? A 3 gauge? LOL grin.gif The ribs are just blown out of the body.

[/ QUOTE ]

What did you shoot the yote with?

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Re: saterdays hunt[bloody pic beware]

an .223 at 40 yards, he came in behind me and smelled and I had a quick shot it ripped the belly right open, it looks alot worse, if the coyote did nto ahve mange I could of easilly reapaired it without it even being noticed, nice even rip! the reason its all pulled out is he magaged to run into a little draw and by the time I caught up to him [30 seconds] he was chewing on his intestines and pulling them out!I know it does not sound nice but he only lived for 30 seconds after I shot him, if I did not shoot him he would of spent about 2 more weeks freezing to death, sufferign worse than can be imagined!

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