i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

Guest indianahunter1

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Guest indianahunter1

the reason is i got blamed for something i did'nt do ! i posted a pic in picture post and it was true and my stepson got me disquilifed from the deer contest he edited my pic and post it on team 24 and i got on him for it so i want enter no more contest or hunt deer anymore ! he also told some of my friend's on chat i got a buck when i did'nt and i still have'nt ! so i just wanted too tell everyone i am sorry that happen ! frown.gif i edited this message cause i misspelled something and and i am still upset about it ! frown.gif

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Guest indianahunter1

Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

newarcher my stepson told everyone that i killed a buck in nov and i have'nt even gotten one and i got taken out of the deer contest ! people are quick to judge !!

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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

I can see that you clearly don't like being accused of something that you didn't do...neither do I.

I would explain that to the moderator or person who removed you from the contest and get myself reinstated. Your stepson should be removed and then you should go kick his butt! laugh.gif Figuratively, not literally.


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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !


well outdoorgirl i am thinking about it and need2hunt does'nt even know it !

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't gonna get involved with this thread because I was sorta confused, but I just wanted to say you probably shouldn't call a moderator out like this.

If you have an issue with someone, discuss it privately.

Just my 2 cents.

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Guest indianahunter1

Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

oh muggs i was going too do it in private and let him know what happen ! i am 41 and not a child that would let everyone know my business ! i was just telling everyone i am sorry cause i don't want people too think i was a cheater !

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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

Having no idea what was going on here, I went back and read through some of the posts in the "Team 24" thread, and to be quite honest I don't fault need2hunt one bit for banning you from the contest. A post was made under your username, the story was found to be untrue, how is anybody supposed to not assume it wasn't you that made that post?


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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

btw guys- I'm sure some of you have seen those annoying rants in the Sports room about how great Ohio is, or why Pittsburgh is horrid...well, I know they were made under my username...but don't let that fool ya.

Those were actually created by Insano Muggsy. He's my evil counterpart that is always coming up with plans to make me come across as an egotistical loudmouth.

Please pay such threads no mind...I'm really a nice guy. wink.gif

Oh yeah, Tominator...my numerous spelling and grammatical errors...all Insano Muggsy. wink.gif

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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

Dude, I know it sucks to get blamed for something you didn't do, but in all reality this is an online deer contest for fun that some take way to serious. Yeah that's right an online deer contest where your not really playing for anything just fun. I know the mods prob want to keep it real, but for why your getting worked up over a online contest is beyond me. There are tons or other stuff in life to worry about then something on the internet. I know it stinks to be blamed and people think you were dihonest when you really werent, but who cares. I hunt deer for fun and something to do, that's why I dont enter these contest and get myself worked up over nothing.

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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

At 41 I'm sure you realized that you accept responsibility for anything that happens(pictures or statements) with your username.

I would be upset...but I would not take it out on myself, or anyone else...but the perpetrator, and lose interest in or stop hunting!

I'll be even more honest with you....when I'm in the hunting woods and in a treestand I spend very little time if any at all thinking about this place, the deer hunting contest, or almost anything else for that matter. I figure that if my House burnt down to the ground while I'm hunting...I'll miss the family dog and a few pictures....but if I concentrate enough while hunting maybe I'll have some venison to roast over the burning embers when I arrive wink.gif

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Guest jason88

Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

I am not sure what is going on with contest, but to let that make you stop deer hunting all together? I don't think that there is a need to do all that.

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Re: i have lost all intrest in hunting deer !

the love of hunting is way bigger than what some people might think of me!!!!!!!!!! if everyone on this forum decided to hate me...oh well i'm still eating venison for dinner!!!!!!!! and i'm gonne be in the woods the next chance i get!!!!!!!!! DON'T LET SOMEONE'S OPINION OF YOU RUIN SOMETHING AS AWESOME AS HUNTING DEER!!!!!!!!!!!

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