Constitutional Freedoms

Guest First_Light_Law_Firm

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Guest First_Light_Law_Firm

Ceremoniously, the 109th Continental Congress is sworn. Rep.-elect Kieth Ellison (D-Minn.), insists on using the Koran rather than the Bible as the "chosen book."

Can anyone draw an analogy to hunting? Example: It is like shouting "I love the rut!" from your stand. True or untrue, it is not the right place and time to do it.

Other comments and observations are welcome.

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Re: Constitutional Freedoms

as for the congressman, that took guts! but i he believes in the koran swearing on the bible wouldn't meen anything to him. so he chose to swear on something he belives. shows alot of honesty and being an upfront kind of guy. geuss thats why we have freedom of religion in this country. could you imagine in a christian tried that in the middle east? as for an anology yours seems to fit pretty well with that situation, i'll have to think about that for awhile!! LOL

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Guest First_Light_Law_Firm

Re: Constitutional Freedoms

Can anyone draw an analogy to hunting? Example: It is like shouting "I love the rut!" from your stand. True or untrue, it is not the right place and time to do it.

I guess if you just shot a big buck shouting wouldn't be so wrong. However, even though it should cause other bucks to move toward other hunters, most woodsmen wouldn't appreciate it!

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Guest jason88

Re: Constitutional Freedoms

i personaly don't want to use the Koran, but as a country that is pulling away from anything that has to do with the 1 true God, i would believe it.

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Re: Constitutional Freedoms

Dont know about using an analogy with hunting, but think the idea of the Koran as his "chosen book" with what is taking place in this country could not come at any worse time.

Maybe an analogy would be for a hunter who just killed a deer to say they support peta????

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: Constitutional Freedoms

putting my hand on the Koran couldn't be anymore meaningless, waste of my time and a disrespect to my God who gave us the Bible to help us find true happiness. Question though, do Muslims believe in the old testament iike the Jews do? Always wondered

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Guest stellfox

Re: Constitutional Freedoms

Actually the book that should be used is the constitution. They are there to uphold the constitution. The Bible or any other religious book should not be in the equasion.

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Re: Constitutional Freedoms


Ceremoniously, the 109th Continental Congress is sworn. Rep.-elect Kieth Ellison (D-Minn.), insists on using the Koran rather than the Bible as the "chosen book."

Can anyone draw an analogy to hunting? Example: It is like shouting "I love the rut!" from your stand. True or untrue, it is not the right place and time to do it.

Other comments and observations are welcome.

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Yeah, here's my analogy to hunting wink.gif

A guy does out during Elk season, and shoots a huge Trophy Whitetail. He swears the thing is an Elk and won't listen to his buddies.

He brings it home, only to find out later he has made a huge mistake and has to suffer the consequences of his actions.

Just because it looks like an Elk, doesn't make it an Elk. grin.gif

How's I get a cookie or something? grin.gif

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Re: Constitutional Freedoms



I can't draw an analogy to hunting, but allow me to make one about this thread.

Reading this thread is like swimming in peanut butter. wink.gif

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Swimming in peanut butter, is like getting 3-4 feet of wet snow during hunting season grin.gif

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Wow, an analogy...or an analogy, nicely done Buckee. grin.gif

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