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Good heavans when did I get so old shocked.gifblush.gifgrin.gif I just got back from doing a little pheasant/rabbit hunt my shooting was very weak today. Shouod have had a limit of both, ended up with 2 rabbits and 1 pheasant.

I went to my dad's place first (which is where I got everything). I chased 2 other roosters around there but never got them. So I called up the owner of another property to see if I could stop by there and try to get my second bird and they said have at it. As I started toward the corn food plot about 50 birds took off (49 hens and 1 rooster) they headed out into the prairie grass field and I headed out after them. I think I kicked up everyone of those hens twice. Ended up seeing 4 more roosters and I missed the easiest shot I had all year on one. The prairie grass field is about 30 acres and I cris crossed it twice. by the time I got back to the truck I knew I had overdone it and right know I am sore frrom head to toe.

I know, I know - whiner grin.gifgrin.gif

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