Lab puppy


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I got a new lab puppy. Well actually my fiance got it for me since ive been gone for a year..kind of a welcome home gift. But my question is what can I train him to do? I dont really hunt waterfowl and I pheasant hunt only a couple times a year, but I really want him to hunt with me. And oh yea, how tough is training a dog to hunt? His name is Bocephus by the


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Re: Lab puppy


I got a new lab puppy. Well actually my fiance got it for me since ive been gone for a year..kind of a welcome home gift. But my question is what can I train him to do? I dont really hunt waterfowl and I pheasant hunt only a couple times a year, but I really want him to hunt with me. And oh yea, how tough is training a dog to hunt? His name is Bocephus by the

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I just got a black lab puppy really just because I love the dogs, not so much to hunt with, I had one before and he was great. I do not waterfowl hunt but I actually take my dog with me everywhere and I actually take him deer hunting with me when I go to my enclosed blind that I have. He loves going out with me and I actually shot a doe when he was laying at my feet, he was pretty excited grin.gif

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Re: Lab puppy

You will appreciate basic commands first. Start easy such as sit, come, stay and lie down. And heel and you have a great foundation. After you have that established you can train that nose of his to do pretty much anything. Fetch antleers, birds, flush birds, track animals.

I have one at home, he picks up antlers and birds, but jumps the gun on occasion. If you want more specific advice your best bet is probably to send an email to dogdoc or ronin, I am sure these two have ample experience with dogs (labs in particular)

Congrats on the new pup, he is beutiful. Labs are the best to have, just watch your shoes he'll like to chew on those. And get a good vacume you'll need it!

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Re: Lab puppy

Thanks for all the replys everyone. I am just going to take it step by step I guess, and if he doesnt hunt well than oh well...But I am sure hope he will. I almost forgot to tell you guys, I hope that you look past my fiances Ohio State sweatshirt. It is kind of a sore subject for me, since I am a Michigan

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Guest njarcherynut

Re: Lab puppy

Great looking pup. You made a great choice, I have owned 9 black labs, I have one staring at me now, she is 5yrs old. I will tell you that they will do anything you want them to do. They learn fast and all they want to do is please. My dogs have all been great duck, pheasant dogs. My lab will outhunt allmost any dog out there. My lab pepper flushed her first pheasant at 6 months. Be prepared for there hyperness, I promise it will pass around 3 years, its just there nature. I would spaid her as soon as possible, I have never had a lab last more than 10 years, they dont seem to live long. Please any questions just ask, I had three at one time there the greatest dogs and I promise the dog will be your best friend and probebly smarter than most of your friends. Good luck, and good choice.

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