Do companies even care anymore ?


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I would like to get a few other member opinions to make sure it is just not me that is upset lately. Is it just me or do more often than not lately companies are just blowing people off when it comes to warranty or other issues with their products.

Now dont get me wrong there are also allot that go above and beyond like Ameristep, TC Arms and RT for that matter but I have just been burned lately by more than a few and it ticks me off. And really what is our recoarse just stop buying they dont care as there are 2 more people behind me that do.

I am fortunate enough after years of hard work growing a business to be in the high purchase level I guess for a lack of a better word. Hunting is my obsession and I spend a crap load of $ on stuff related to it. You figure that would make me an even more "important" customer in the eyes of the companies being that they now based on registered products they sell know I will be back and then some for more stuff.

Just 2 that are bugging me lately are issues with my Cuddeback trail cams, there are tons of threads here and on other forums with people in the same boat so I wont bore you with the long story again but short version is I spent about $1500 on their products this year alone that dont work and IF and when you can get through to them they really dont care. They will offer to fix it but it always comes back the same way, so why bother.

Nikon is another for me this year I own a crap load of their optics and this year again went out and bought a new Spotter, Range Finder and Binos ( All in RT of course laugh.gif ) and I wont say what I spent blush.gif for 2 small issue, one of the eye cups would not stay up and one of the Nikon logos came off, no big deal but they are only 3 months old I wanted them fixed. First they want to charge me !! Charge me for 3 month old binos and you have a copy of the receipt with what I spent on Nikon are you serious ?? Then they will fix it under warranty, well weeks and I mean weeks later still nothing done so I told them just to send them back to me as it and stuff it.

Why should people like your local pro shop and the big box guys always have to stand behind the other companies product and do the right thing ? Why does it seem that for the most part companies lately just dont seem to care ? Is it our fault ? As comsumers are we just giving our money away to easily or is it just like I said for every pissed person leaving there are 2 more lining up to buy ?? I use Cuddy as an example they while product line was an issue this year I bet I heard of only one out of 8 cameras working but they still sale like crazy and dont care.

Am I the only one this is happening to or feels this way ??

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Re: Do companies even care anymore ?

The almighty Dollar! Ive seen a lot of companies that are looking for Volume sales and they dont care whether you're a repeat customer or not.

Like you said, "Two more standing behind you." They made their profit off of you now its the two guys behind you and the four behind them, and so on. Ive seen it in several industries and as long as their products sale they dont care whether you're happy or not.

No matter how much you've spent the amount they have made off you is pale in comparison to their overall sales. You're basically screaming in a windstorm and they wont hear you until their sales take a noticeable nose dive....

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Re: Do companies even care anymore ?

Your best bet nowadays is to keep the receipt from the retail store you made the purchase and return it if something goes wrong. Retail stores have a lot more leverage with warrantee issues than individual consumers.

Some stores won't accept returns of certain items. You can find that out before you buy. If they won't accept a return of that item that's a clue to be cautious (and sometimes it means don't buy)

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Re: Do companies even care anymore ?

Have to agree with Jeramie here, it is all about the dollar.

A shame to see how some companies will not stand behind their products, used to be a time customer satisfaction and word of mouth would make or break a company. Really it still can especially with the internet, but some of these companies are so or are getting so big that they seem to lose touch with what got them where they are.

I would never consider buying from cudde after some of the things I have read about them. As for nikon, I really like their rifle scopes, have not had any experience with their binos or rangefinders. I would probably still buy their scopes, but maybe not.

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Re: Do companies even care anymore ?

Cuddeback has a TERRIBLE reputation period.

Nikon can be a bureaucratic mess but I would write the President and enclose pictures of the items, invoices, etc. and let him know that you don't feel appreciated and you will be shopping with some other vendor.

I find that when I have problems, writing to the CEO or President fixes everything.


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