Figure This Out


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i was driving home yesterday and saw a deer laying in the field jus down from our house, i figured it was jus a roadkill but it was a ways out in the field and i wanted to see if it was a buck so i could get the rack. i pulled over and walked out to the deer, i noticed somthing sticking out then realized it was an arrow. she was hit right behind the right shoulder, she had to be quartering hard toward the hunter and i rolled her over to see the arrow comming out of her gut on the left side. theres no way whoever shot her looked for her because she was just a yearling and the hit was good enough and she was right out in a cut bean field. iv seen other deer on this property that was shot with a gun in the summer and left laying. i dont know if the landowner has nuisance permits or something but still i didnt think you could just leave them to rot...but i dont know ill get a pic of it so you can see the shot placement and tell me what you think.

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Re: Figure This Out

Dont know, I am kind of wondering about wanton waste here and if there is any law pertaining to it.

Got a person up the road from us who had a doe laying out in their front yard this past week. Temps were over 70 degrees a few of those days. Long story short, the deer ended up being dog food for their freaking mutts. This same person has had 2 or 3 other deer they have hung from a tree right next to the road that they have let hang in warm temps.

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Re: Figure This Out

Honestly, I wouldn't be so quick to assume the worst.

If the arrow was still in the animal. May not have left that good a blood trail. I've had deer travel 80yds with the arrow still in them and not leave a drop.

The shooter may have just been inexperienced. Or honestly believed they missed and lost their arrow.

You really can't know how hard they looked or how far the deer actually travelled from where it was shot.

We are becoming conditioned to at first, believe the worst of our fellow hunters. That's not right. It's anti-propoganda getting to us.

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Re: Figure This Out

Do you have much poaching around the area? We just had some guys get caught FINALLY out by my dads property. We have know for years that they were poachers with bows and guns and have called the law ( both police and game warden ) on them numerous times. They were finally busted. Not for sure what they got fined. It could be that you have some poachers at work and if the deer does not drop quickly they get out of the area before getting busted. With you seeing deer in the summer it really makes me lean torward this.

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Guest shane13

Re: Figure This Out

where i hunt there is a 400 lb guy that hunts on the edge of a very thick woods. almost every year we find a dead buck around his area and every year he comes over to ask us if we have found a dead deer around. his blind is 100 yards off of a road and he has to drive his four wheeler to his blind. what is even worse is that he is a state cop

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