Christmas shopping?

Guest Andrea

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Re: Christmas shopping?


LMBO, I know what you mean about going together. The last time we did that, he did a lot of standing around, breathing heavily, asking if we were done. ( like a kid, lol) crazy.gifmad.gifgrin.gif

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I thought it was our job to help speed things up? confused.gifcrazy.giftongue.gif

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Re: Christmas shopping?



LMBO, I know what you mean about going together. The last time we did that, he did a lot of standing around, breathing heavily, asking if we were done. ( like a kid, lol) crazy.gifmad.gifgrin.gif

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I thought it was our job to help speed things up? confused.gifcrazy.giftongue.gif

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Sure, but not by standing around with a sour look on your face and whining like a 3 yr. old!!! mad.gifgrin.giftongue.giffrown.gif

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Re: Christmas shopping?



LMBO, I know what you mean about going together. The last time we did that, he did a lot of standing around, breathing heavily, asking if we were done. ( like a kid, lol) crazy.gifmad.gifgrin.gif

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I thought it was our job to help speed things up? confused.gifcrazy.giftongue.gif

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LOL You would not fare well with my wife shopping Craig. Just trust me, attempting to speed her up is never a good thing when she is shopping confused.giflaugh.gif.

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Re: Christmas shopping?

I HATE shopping -- unless I am shopping for books and then just go away and leave me in my own personal heaven! My nephews and neices have five different Christmas get togethers so they get everything. Then there is the step-sister and her husband who we see at Christmas and occassionally when I am out and about in town. What do you do for that? And Will is no help. He just says he doesn't know what to get and why am I asking him.

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Re: Christmas shopping?


LOL You would not fare well with my wife shopping Craig. Just trust me, attempting to speed her up is never a good thing when she is shopping confused.giflaugh.gif.

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lol.....yeah, see my above post about my wife not allowing me to shop with her anymore.... wink.gif

I hate missing out on the fun smirk.gif

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Guest TnLadyhunter

Re: Christmas shopping?

Amen to that! As a Sunday school teacher I run into alot of kids who don't seem to know that! Give them the gift that will last eternity teach them about the BiBle!

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