Old Hornady Handbook & .25-06


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I used to have a Hornady Reloading Handbook that I got

in the mid-'70's. In it there were a couple of loads for

their 75gr HP and their 100gr SP using IMR-4895, one

propelled the 75 @ 3300fps and another sent the 100gr

SP off at 3100fps. These were also classified as their

accuracy rounds, and indeed, they were most accurate in

my Rem 700 .25-06 as well. Due to BC's, the

trajectories were almost identical. This made for

fantastic combinations for both varmint and deer


I have since lost that reloading handbook and the

newer manuals don't even list loads using IMR4895

for the .25-06. Does anyone have info from the

old Hornady Reloading Handbooks of the mid-'70's

or know of where I could get such info? (Yes, Hornady

MAY have it........still awaiting their email reply.)

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