More O-ring problems!!


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Well some of you may remeber my O-ring broke a week or two ago and I had to get another. I finally found a factory replacement and installed it. After I replaced it I went duck hunting and when I got home to clean it the o-ring comes out in about 9 pieces.

Now obviously somthing is not right, but what?

The gun shot fine the entire day with no problems at all, the only time I noticed something was wrong was when I took it apart to clean it.

What should I do, The gun is still under warrenty sinc I only bout it in Aug., but if I send it in I will lose it for a couple of weeks and there isn't that much time left in waterfowl season!!!??

Any Suggestions?

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Re: More O-ring problems!!

Wow! I have never had one shred. I have replacced them just as preventative maintenance. Do you have a sharp edge on your magazine tube or the piston? It could be cutting the o-ring causing you these problems. You can keep replacing the o-rings until the end of the season, or you can cut your losses and send it back sooner. If you wait, I would not say it has been acting this way for X many sets of o-rings. Do you have a Rem authorized warranty gunsmith near you? They have them listed on Remington's web page. Maybe they can get you a quicker turn around.

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Re: More O-ring problems!!

I also wonder if you are getting some OLD new stock o rings. These rings should be soft and pliable when first put in.

There is a gunsmith in Ilion NY [Not far from the Remington factory], I believe it is "White Dog Gunsmithing." You might try to get in contact with them. If you can't find their no. PM me. I have one of their business cards somewhere. I'll just have to look for it. Or call information for Ilion NY and ask for the number.

Actually I just remembered where the card was. I'll PM the no. to you

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