Best and worse of your season?


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Ok ladies, was wondering what's one of the best aspects of your season this year, and your worse...could be anything. For me, the best part I'd say would be breaking my 2 year buck drought with a 7 point buck with my new bow I got this year. The worst....I would have to say sitting in my treestand the beginning of shotgun and hearing the neighbors unload their guns on a buck maybe a couple hundred yards up in front of me out in a field(I was in the woods, couldn't see). Tears literally came to my eyes because the deer had no chance, they surrounded the field, and to think of a deer dying that way, hearing gunshots from all over, instead of one shot doing the trick, well that's not my idea of respect to God's critters. So who else?

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Re: Best and worse of your season?

My season's just getting started, so there's not much to tell. I'll get back to ya with a report at the end of February. grin.gifgrin.gif

Glad you got a nice buck this season though!!! cool.gif

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Re: Best and worse of your season?

yeah, it was a bit nippy here this a.m., tomorrow is suppose to be's going to suck for squirrel hunting because of the winds, but it'll be great for hog hunting, so that's what i'll be doing.

The worst part of my season so far was making a bad hit on my buck because he leaped forward... during archery and losing him, good thing is everything points to him making it....i've had alot of downers this season, but i was blessed with a doe, and i have a good amount of hog meat, so i should be ok meatwise..the highlight of this season is that it's not over for another month .......

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Guest TnLadyhunter

Re: Best and worse of your season?

My best would have to be taking my nine point with my rifle. He is my best buck to date, probably because I pass on alot of smaller ones. Still I knew eventually I would get a chance at a good one. I only saw two bucks while in my stand this year and he was the best. My worst would be not getting to take one with my bow. It's not all over but the odds are not in my favor. I like to use all the weapons I am allowed so I even muzzleloader, but I really wanted to get one with my bow! It is by far my favorite and I work really hard all year shooting it cause if I don't I can't pull the 55 lbs back. But I got three with it last year and 0 with a gun so maybe thats why. wink.gif Still I really wanted one with my bow.

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Best and worse of your season?

I was happy this year to kill my first muzzleloader deer I didn't want to kill a doe and held off for 6 years up here in NY. So i told myself this year that i won't shoot a doe until the last day of muzzle loading holding out for a buck. I never did see a buck on our property this year but i did hear a lot of shooting on other farms that surround our place.

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Re: Best and worse of your season?

I'd have to say the best of my season so far is that after 5 years, I finally harvested my first Ohio deer . He weighed around 200#. It still amazes me the difference in size between Georgia and Ohio deer. Don't get me wrong, I love hunting GA deer, it just shocked me when the check-in guys said the deer was only 1 1/2 -2 1/2 years old. The worst so far would have to be that I'm "o-fer" with my bow. Actually, not true, I did get a bunny with my bow, now if a deer would just come into bow range!! Oh yeah, the deer was a small racked 8 pointer, saw the body and the rack didn't matter.

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Guest Huntergirl

Re: Best and worse of your season?

I would have to say the worst was just a little like Turkeygirls. I feel your pain just last night I was sitting in my stand I was just about out of light when I heard shots ring out I was actualy crushed and tears came to my eyes.I have been at it hard all year with my bow and now archery season is closed for awhile I had picked a gun and was going to give it a shot. It is a little my fault I could have shot a little basket rack 8 pointer or a big 3 pointer I had both of them in my scpoe but I have just been waiting for Mr. Right. I am just hope he was not taken last night.I guess that is hunting!! Oh and one day when I was on my way home from the woods I seen a lady hit a nice buck with her car, then another nice 9 pointer in a ditch that had been hit by a car its backs legs were broke ,and then I stoped at the store to get a drink and some guy had a nice 10 pointer he had just hit.(Heres your sign)That day I thought about just driving my car around (HA, HA). But I cant complain to much I have seen some cool things and have made some great memories this year in the field.

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Re: Best and worse of your season?

Best was being there when my nephew shot his first deer and when hubby got his biggest buck ever (14 points but only 12 were scorable b/c two were less than an inch, 164 1/8 B&C).

The worst was being there when hubby got his biggest buck ever b/c he shot him instead of shooing him towards my stand!!!

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Re: Best and worse of your season?

Best Aspect - Getting a nice mature doe this season keeping my run on an antlerless deer each year for 4 years in a row now.

Worst Aspect - Seeing a buck while hunting that wasn't legal to shoot (2x1) and letting him walk hoping next year he'd be legal for me to hunt and finding out after getting home some hunter shot him the last day of the season while all those hunters were driving the mountains and then left him lay in the woods to rot because he wasn't legal. frown.gif

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Guest Huntergirl

Re: Best and worse of your season?

Oh no he didnt ? Well the same thing happened to me them game hogs!!! I am glad you a least got to see you nephew take one sounds like a biggen, sometimes you can get so much out of watching someone else harvesting something as you do taking it yourself, but on the other hand it is nice to bring home with a big-trophy every once in a while. Next time your just going to have to leave him at home.(HA,HA)

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