.264 mag?


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Re: .264 mag?

Well unfortunately for the .264 it was released the same year as the 7mm rem mag, and you can see how popular it is. The .264 just got plain over shadowed. Had it come out any other year it would be alot more popular now. I think it is an awesome caliber, mostly because its a good mid size caliber that you can easily take anything up to elk sized game at fairly long distances. I think aj has a pretty good write up on the .264 if im not mistaken.

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Re: .264 mag?

Yep, I did a write up on it a few years ago. You can read it by clicking here. While the .264 Win Mag is a great round, it was equal to the .270 Win so it never really caught on. As for it being hard on barrels, that was not exactly true. It was no harder than the other cartridges of those days. When the 7mm Rem Mag was introduced 4 years later, it overshadowed the 264 Win Mag. Just like the Winchester Short Mags are overshadowing the Remington Short Action Ultra Mags. Its not because they are better, just marketed better.

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Re: .264 mag?

That's a good article AJ.

I didn't realize the .270 performance is that close to the .264 mag and I forgot about the 7 mag being in this group.A friend has a .264 mag that I used one season and it performed well the last morning of the gun season on a buck and a doe.I think that same year during a elk hunting trip to Colorado another hunters rifle was knocked off zero so my friend handed him the .264 and he shot a bull with it.

The .264 is a nice caliber that I wouldn't mind owning a gun in this round.

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Re: .264 mag?

Always liked the .264. Never owned or even shot one. My mom killed a doe one year a loooooong ways across a valley with a borrowed .264. I have a Model 70 pushfeed in .300 Win. that is in the beginning phases of the "shot out" stage. It will either end up a .257 Wby. or a .264. Leaning toward the .264 due to the economy of it all.....reloading compoments, etc.

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