promising signs maybe, or too late


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Here are some pics of some rubs and rublines we found yesterday mid day when my oldest daughter and I went for a walk. Some of these rubs do not look to be too old. I thought the big 10 pointer I had drawn on with my bow was gone, but these rubs have me wondering if maybe he might still be around and maybe is bedding in the low area beyond these rubs and has just stayed nocturnal since the youth hunt when my daughter and I saw him last. There are probably 15-20 rubs in the area behind the first pic. Some are on some pretty good sized trees. What do you guys think, bedroom for a mature buck maybe? I have a stand on another ridge not far from these rubs I could move to just off the logging road heading up to this area, there are also scrapes about every 5-10 yards going down the logging road, most of those scrapes are fresh.





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Re: promising signs maybe, or too late

Looks to me like you found his or another nice bucks hang-out. Close in on that area. You have nothing to lose, and it's never too late.

Bucks will visit their rubs and scrapes well into the secondary rut (where we are now).

I'd be in there like a dirty shirt confused.gifgrin.gif

Go for it, and good luck, is my opinion.

Besides, a rub and scrape line, tells you a bucks regular travel route, whether they are using the scrapes and rubs or not, I bet he's still walking the line. wink.gif

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Re: promising signs maybe, or too late

Yeah Steve, I just wonder if it is that 10 pointer still around, I did move a camera over there on the scrape line. I think most of these bigger rubs have been made since the rifle season closed, have not heard many close shots the second muzzleloader season aside from the guy I caught on my neighbor yesterday, so there may still be hopes for a mature buck for the wife or my daughter or me yet. Will move that stand tomorrow or possibly this evening and try to bowhunt it this week in the afternoons given the wind is right.

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