New bow draw length and speed -- ROOKIE QUESTION

Guest Norcalnoodler

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Guest Norcalnoodler

I just picked up a hardly used Trykon with a 26.5" draw. I have been over drawing (29") a old golden eagle bow for a few years now and finally got a sweet set-up. The guy at the proshop said I should shoot a 27 or 27.5 draw with my release. My question is how much difference will setting my bow up at 27 or 28 inch in terms of speed as long as I change release's and still get a proper draw.By the way I'm 5'11" and must have short arms

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Guest Deepwoods1

Re: New bow draw length and speed -- ROOKIE QUESTION

If the Trykon has a 26.5 and you need a 27, just have the bow shop put in a string loop and you will gain some extra inches on the draw. If that doesnt change anything you will have to change the bows draw length (usually by changing cams).. Your speed should not change between one inch draw difference. My buddy has a Trycon with 26.5 draw, and string loop. He is accurate and the bow shoots in the high 290's. Nice hunting bow. Anyway good luck with the set up..

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Re: New bow draw length and speed -- ROOKIE QUESTION

You will lose about 10 fps with every inch of draw length you go down. Speed is not the main concern here though. Get the draw length right for you and don't try to stretch it out to gain a few fps, I know it is tempting to think that just a 1/2" more and you would pick up some speed but get the bow the right draw length for you and just shoot it. It will be fast enough. Something that helps is draw it and have someone take a picture of you from the side while you are looking like you would if you were shooting, the nock should be directly below your eye while you are standing staight and not leaning back to your string. Please do yourself a favor and don't get the draw to long. You will shoot your bow much more accurate if you aren't all stretched out.

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Re: New bow draw length and speed -- ROOKIE QUESTION


I don't know much about the Trykon bows, but that is cooking with a 26.5 draw length. I'd have to recheck, but I think the Trykons are module bows. If so they will be esy enough to change your draw length.

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Im pretty sure they do also. If so you can get some new ones for not to much.

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Re: New bow draw length and speed -- ROOKIE QUESTION

adding a dloop WILL NOT make the bows draw length any longer. all it will do is put your anchor in a more familiar place. draw length is measured from the throat of the nock to a position near the grip of your bow. it is NOT measured from where you anchor on your face to a position near the grip. differant manufacturers measure the position near the grip differantly.

shooting a slightly shorter bow is way better than shooting a longer draw bow. you will be more accurate. but by shorter i mean a 1/2 inch. not more than that. longer by a 1/2 isnt that bad either, but dont go any longer than that.

to determine you draw lenght do this: place your bow arms palm on a wall then have someone measure from the wall to the corner of your mouth. this will be really close to your draw length.

most bows speeds are determined by shooting a arrow at 5 grs for every pound of draw weight and a 30 inch draw and 70 lbs. the Trykon with a 30 inch draw and a 350 gr arrow at 70 lbs should shoot 316 fps.

since your draw is short 26.5 and i doubt your shooting arrows that are 5 grs per pound, they are probably heavier. i feel you will be lucky if you get 270. but 270 is pretty darn fast for a 26.5 inch draw.

with a bows that 33 inches axle to axle and only a 7 inch brace height its going to be more critical to shoot the faster you try to make the arrows go.

The Trykons are DRAW specific bows. they have the Zepher cam and that means they only come in the draw you have. you might be able to get a 1/4 inch either way by twisting the cables, but not more than that.

Shoot Strong


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