Good Sunday!

Guest Smity

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Last Sunday I went out hunting again. I climbed in the stand and waited and waited. After sitting for two hours and hearing so many noises I saw movement from in front of me about forty yards. It was three does; they came from straight ahead of me. I was sitting down and my bow was on its hook. I had no clue what to do; if I moved to suddenly I would be spotted. They came in and fed for about ten minutes, as they were doing so I very slowly got up just as the right moment. I had to make sure they all were looking the other way. Then I grabbed my bow, and waited another ten minutes. They took there time to feed and walked around, as time passed they walked right under my stand. One went past me the other stood about ten yards the other about fifteen. While watching them feed I had to take my time and figure out when I could get a shot off without being caught. Well I waited five minutes finally the doe that walked past me winded me which mean picked up on my scent and knew I was there. She started to stomp and warn the others. Two of the does started to walk out of there, as they were leaving I had to slowly draw back without any of the three seeing me. I drew back and looked through my sight and put it on the spot and let it fly. My shot was a success, my arrow went right through, and the doe took off and went about fifty yards and dropped!!

My second deer ever...

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Guest Hunter36

Re: Good Sunday!

thats awesome i had the same problem on a buck this year 6 other bucks feeding and looking all around. difference is i missed the buck. couldnt keep the nerves. congrats way to keep your cool!

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