I need some Ideas


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Re: I need some Ideas

I like Rangers idea! LOL Just kiding. It's kind of hard to say with it being cold, my sons 9th birthday was in July so that was a no brainer. Lots of water guns, to many water ballons and swimming trunks, also one 40" long inflateable bounce and slide. I don't think that'll be appropriate for you.

What about an indoor amuzement park? We got a place called Fun Depot-batting cages, un-countable games, put-putt, rock climbing, and lazer tag arena.

Get some fuse beads in the craft section of Wal-mart. These are awesome and take up lots of time and keeps their attention. They have templates and can make all kinds of figures. Once they have the figures made then Mom gets to iron them in wax paper sheets, melting the beads together. It's cool and pretty cheap entertainment. If you want some pictures of the things my kids have done an idea of what I'm talking about, let me know. My 9 and 11 year old still work with these beads daily, I'm telling you it'll comsume their attention. grin.gif

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Re: I need some Ideas

We hired a magician for my son's 9th b-day a few years ago. Had the show at night outside. It was really cool. Wasn't very expensive either. Only $75. And he put on a great show. Got the kids involved and everything. Show lasted about an hour.

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Re: I need some Ideas

Sometimes you don't really need to plan anything. I mean, think about it......................when we were little all our parents did was bake a cake and sing happy birthday. And MAYBE play pin the tail on the donkey. Other than that, us kids would just run around and play. Kids don't care if the parents don't make a big deal about it.

All they really care about.........................is the PRESENTS. grin.gif

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Re: I need some Ideas

Yeah the wife decided we would break out cabelas Alaska Adventures and turn them loose on open season and see who can get the high score with each animal. Combine that with a couple games of twister, lots of cake and ice cream topped with soda and the boys should be good to go.

Im still thinking of the deer drive though, if only the wife would let me....

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