High Country


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Guest ILBowhunter

Re: High Country

My dad just bought the new sidewinder pro and he likes it. I shot it and its not as smooth to pull back as my tssr but its quiter and faster. I felt very little shock when i shot it. Hes only pulling back 60lbs with a 28.5 draw and is shooting 330fps with speed pro arrows. The shop owner where we bought our bows is shooting the pro and hes shooting 361 fps with 70lbs and 29 in draw. My tssr is only shooting 345 with speed pro arrows, 29 in draw and 67lbs.

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Re: High Country

Great Review ILB, and welcome to the forums.....it's great to have you aboard.

While I haven't shot the 2007 High COuntry bows, I will say that HCA is highly underated......you just don't see many people shooting them, and I've always been impressed with how consistant, fast and also quite their bows are......one of the best shooting bows I ever had my hands on was a Brute Force.......wouldn't mind having that one back.

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