WHAT CHOKE FOR 00 BUCK ?????????


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I'm sure this ??? has been asked before and Im not sure I haven't already asked.

But anyhow, here's the situation. My son and I are going to be doing some squirell hunting this winter and I'm going to be carrying my 12ga. So I bought some 3" 00Buck to carry just incase I see a coyote or bobcat.

I haven't done any checking yet but I figured my MOD. choke would through a good enough pattern out to 50yrds.

I'm shooting a Rem. 870 Express mag. 26" barrel, Rem. Express Magnum 00 Buckshot (15 pellets).

have any of you used this load or something close?

What choke?? FULL OR MOD.??


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Re: WHAT CHOKE FOR 00 BUCK ?????????

50 yards??!!! Well, I guess as long as you move forwards about 20 yards to shoot it. I have used 00 buckshot for deer and I ended up with a 0.665 super full turkey choke in my 11-87 Super mag. This would give me decent patterns out to 45 yards. Remember that there are only 15 pellets in this load. While each pellet will have enough energy to do the job, it still has to hit the vitals, even on a coyote. If you insist on using a shotgun for a coyote, look at the Dead Coyote Hevi Shot ammo. That will give you the farthest range for coyote sized game and best pattern.

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Re: WHAT CHOKE FOR 00 BUCK ?????????

Thanks AJ!!! I just wasn't sure just how tight a choke I could use. Remington doesn't list an e-mail to ask them. I like to use my turkey choke for squirells so I think I'll use it for the 00 buck also.

We usually use a Rem. 223 with 55gr. Ballistic Silvertip amo for yotes, when hunting only yotes.

I just don't like to let them get by if I can help it, no matter what I'm hunting.

Thanks again!!!!!

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Re: WHAT CHOKE FOR 00 BUCK ?????????


wow! 12 gauge turkey choke for treerats? do you keep them to eat? whats left of them anyways? LOL

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Oh yeah. It allows shooting them at 50-60 yards. They are no more blown up than a modified choke does at 25 yards. That was my standard hunting configuration in the early season when there were a lot of leaves on the trees. Once the leaves were down, I went to a 22 lr.

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Re: WHAT CHOKE FOR 00 BUCK ?????????

AJ - that Dead Coyote Hevi Shot ammo looks great. I don't remember exactly how many lead pellets we counted out of 4 buck to go into our 3 inch loads but it probably was very comparable. We took many more fox and coyotes with our 12 gauge shotguns than we ever did with our high powered center fire rifles. Walking for them in the farm country of MN, especially when we had new snow. If you walked into the wind, the new snow made it to where you usually jumped them within 20 yards of you. Given the option of shooting a running fox / coyote with a rifle or a shotgun at those ranges it's a "No Brainer".

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