OMG! Wow.....


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Ok, I'm still shocked over this,lol grin.gif So I haven't shot my bow since bow season ended which was a month ago. This is the last few days of late archery in southern NY so I thought maybe I'd go out or at least attempt to shoot a squirrel with my bow. My shotgun buck tag can be sued for a buck or doe in late archery. So I pull my Hoyt Rintec XL out of the closet, go to the target and put a piece of paper towel on it because I'm lazy,lol. First shot at 10 yards - right where I was aiming dead middle. I step back to 20 - shot hits right where first shot hit! shocked.gif I step back to 30 - shot hits maybe 1 inch higher than where others hit but still that is right on! shocked.gif I was blown away, this bow is awesome!!!! I was not expecting to be shooting that well,lol grin.gif I put some field tips on my last 2 arrows and shot those at 10 yards - perfect. I'm not going to attempt shooting any squirrels past 10 yards in my stand because well I've had them that close if not closer. Wow this bow is unbelievable and when I put that Limbsave mini S coil stabilizer on, it'll be even better grin.gif

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Re: OMG! Wow.....


That's great. Sure is nice to know when you spend hard earned money on a quality bow, you're not disappointed! That Rintec is a great bow. I think you'll like the S-Coil, too.

Good luck with those squirrels. wink.gif

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