Hunter Helping Kids Summary of 2006 Kids Hunt

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Hunters Helping Kids Inc.

Annual Kids Hunt of a Life Time

Nov. 2006

Ten youth plus a physically handicapped youth from Illinois were selected

From a nationwide drawing. The child must be 10 thru 15 years old. The

Chosen youth plus two family members are provided meals and lodging.

They must provided their own transportation to the event.

Four kids from New York State were drawn for this 2006 hunt of a lifetime.

Bailey from Mannsville, Emily from Clay, Shawn from Orwell and

10 year old, Cody from Palermo, New York.

This event started by everyone registering at the motel, in Lillington, N.C.

We proceeded to the Coats Firehall, in Coats, NC where all the meals and

Meetings would take place. Tommy Smith, coordinator of the event, gave

Us a short run down of the weekend's happenings. We enjoyed a light

Dinner of hot dogs, hamburgers with all the trimmings. Then it was back to

The motel to hangout with the kids and parents until bedtime. On Friday,

We met in the lobby at 7AM to proceed to Bogangles Restaurant

For breakfast. At 9am we gathered at thefirehall for the new hunters to get

Their gear. Each youth was fitted with their hunting gear and received day

Packs filled with lots of hunting accessories. At ten, we went to the Ralph

& Ann Lee farm near Erwin, NC. The kids received a Savage youth model

243 with scope, box of ammo and a hard case. They each took their turn,

Getting proper instruction and shooting at target range with their new

Rifle. With parental consent and supervision this equipment is theirs to

Take home with them. At noon it was back to the firehall for some local

Pizza and refreshments. We were introduced to the NC Wildlife officers

Who had us proceed back to the Lee farm for skeet shooting. They

Gave the youth instruction and allowed them to try their shotgun skills with

Skeet shooting. Five o'clock we gathered at the firehall for a catered

Supper and the new hunters received their boots and their guides for

The next day hunt. It was back to the motel at &:30 as the kids had to get to

Bed early for the 4:30am wake up call. Each youth with one parent plus their

Guide gathered at the firehall at 5AM for hunting instructions and a light

Snack. Then they left to the farm for their morning hunt. About 9:30, the

Hunting parties came out of their stands for a big catered breakfast at the

Coats firehall. There was many tales of the morning hunt.

One successful hunter getting an 7 pt. Buck and a few with some misses.

There was time to get acquainted with all involved with this event. At one,

It was time for lunch, which included Sam's famous stew plus BBQ

Chicken with lots of trimmings. After the meal the youth were given a short

Safety session with the conservation officers. Then it was time for the

Hunters afternoon hunt at the Lee farm and hunters were told that they

Could harvest two deer that day. It gave the parents, those left behind, to

Visit and get to know more about this organization. After dark, the

Hunters arrived back from the farm with a few being successful. The

Harnett Chapter of HHK, hosted the fish fry for our banquet. After another

Great meal and more hunting stories, it was time for the awards. $100.00

Went to the morning successful hunter and the afternoon hunt had several deer

Harvested so the $100.00 was split between Cody & Kelsie. Each youth

Hunter was given a personalized plaque with a hand carved turkey call & grunt tube

Plus given another hunt to different areas to hunt deer, duck, swan or

Bear. Each youth hunter is required to write an essay entitled " The

Person who has influenced me" John Riley of HHK and

Richard Worden, NNY chapter president selected Emily Garn, Clay, NY to

Receive this year’s plaque. A rifle was awarded by drawing to a youth in

Attendance other than those in the hunting group. To qualify for this

Drawing, the youth had to play a dart game to achieve a ticket for the

Drawing After the excitement of the awards being handed out and some

Group pictures taken, Auctioneer, Dale Dobson proceeded with an auction

Of some outstanding goods to raise monies for next years activities, with

Some items coming back to New York State. After the auction everyone

Headed back to the motel as the Sunday Sunrise service was at 7am and

Followed by a big breakfast.

It was time to get addresses, say their sad goodbyes and

Return home with their new hunting gear, great memories and a better

Understanding of conservation, gun safety, and the roll hunting has on wildlife management.

Funding for this annual event IA achieved from donations, banquets and auctions of donated goods. We encourage everyone to contact the NNY Chapter with any donations or more information by e-mailing. [email protected] or by phone (315) 387-3497

Hunters Helping Kids Inc.

Board Member & NNY Chapter President

Richard Worden

Link to below Highlight photos of 2006 Kids Hunt of a Life Time

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Re: Hunter Helping Kids Summary of 2006 Kids Hunt

Winners of 2006 hunt

Emily -Clay, NY

Bailey - Mannsville, NY

Kelsie - Spencer, IN

Wynne - Angier, NC

Brandi - Lenoir, NC

Tyler - Long Beach, CA

Zachary - Albemarle, NC

Shawn - Orwell, NY

Trey - Pickens, SC

Cody - Pulaski, NY

Blake - Forrest, IL (handicapped

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