Is it worth it?

Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

Well I was lookin around at auto-loaders...just for field use and maybe some clays just general use as I stumbled upon this.

My buddy shoots a Charles Daly auto loader....and I think that I would be walking away with a sore shoulder after shooting it all day...because I've shot his and its got a pretty good kick to it. So the question is...what do you think?

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Re: Is it worth it?

Just because it has Remington's name on it does not make it an 1100 or 11-87, or in the same league. Its a cheap import and is similar to the Daly. The gas operated semi auto guns are the lightest recoiling 12 ga guns on the market. You can reduce the amount of shot and the velocity to reduce the recoil. I have shot 1 ounce loads at 1175 fps and have shot 40 boxes of shells in a day in a marathon trap shoot. It does make the shoulder tender. But shooting 10 boxes of target loads is not too bad with just about any gun.

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Re: Is it worth it?


Well I was lookin around at auto-loaders...just for field use and maybe some clays just general use as I stumbled upon this.

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The only thing I see wrong about this Rem. is it only comes in Mossy Oak, not Realtree shocked.giffrown.gif

It is a good looking shotgun, wonder what they are asking for it ? I see under $500, so in the "real world " probably $400-$450, me thinks LOL crazy.gif

Lets have some info from whoever jumps on this !


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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

Re: Is it worth it?

If you look under the specs section they are askin $461 for around 480 by the time its done...because im not so sure i would get it in camo

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