Brother's rifle buck....


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Opening weekend of the '06 Oklahoma Rifle season and I put my brother in the best stand. The stand over looks a 10 acre field with a long food plot right at the edge of the field and tree line. Anyway about 20 minutes after first shooting light I hear a BOOM then about 5 seconds later another BOOM. Less than a minute later my brother comes over the walkie-talkie--voice shaking so bad I can barely understand him. He goes---I got a big buck. I said how big--he said really big. Now first you have to understand my brother--this boy gets buck fever worse than anyone I know. He thinks anything with horns is a monster buck. I then ask him "Did you shoot twice?" He goes "Uhh--I don't know--maybe. Did you hear two shots?"--I go yea. I go ahead and hunt the rest of the morning then around 10:00 I go help him with his buck. He did indeed shoot twice--the first shot left a nice bullet hole right at where the brow tines shoot up from the main beam--a classic shot. I don't think he ever took his eyes off the rack and shot the deer's rack. After the first shot the deer actually ran towards him and he stopped it with a grunt for a 35 yard broadside shot. The deer ran about 20 yards inside the treeline and dropped dead.

I was very excited for my lil'bro. He is a career military boy and is currently a Major in the Army. As a lot of you know he finished a one year tour in Iraq this last September so I was thrilled just to have my brother home and the honor of taking him deer hunting.

Here is his "Monster" Buck: 9 scorable points and dressed out at 141#



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Re: Brother\'s rifle buck....

Good story. I've got a friend exactly like that. I can't turn him loose on my lease since he's likely to get excited and shoot (or at least shoot at) the first 15 inch wide 8 point that comes along. I took him out to shoot a 2.5 year old spike last year and he missed that buck 3 times. First shot was 80 yards, second was 120 yards, and the last was 200 yards. All with a good solid rest and all were clean misses. We went back to camp and I put his 30-06 on the bench. Stuck 3 rounds at 100 yards into a 2 inch group dead center of the target. The guy was just so darned nervous he couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a base fiddle! And he's 40 something years old and has (somehow) killed quite a few deer in his life. Go figure???

And congrats to your brother on his buck! cool.gif

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Re: Brother\'s rifle buck....

Congrats to your bro, that's a nice buck there. cool.gif

My 16 year old brother is like that too, keeps on shooting until the deer drops or the gun is empty. This past deer season a big timberwolf ran straight to him, stopped at about 5 yards, scared the daylights out of him, he opened up at that wolf like John Wayne, never did get the thing though.... crazy.gifgrin.gif

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