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I live and hunt blacktail deer in the Oregon coast range (mountains). I hunt on timber company land 1-2 miles back behind locked gates. I would like to attract deer and possibly help antler growth without spending thousands of dollars a year. Would it be good to put out mineral blocks and alfalfa year round, while hanging my 30 gallon barrel of deer food 2 weeks prior of season and throughout the season to help with this? I don't mind the hard work, but would like to know if this sounds good and what mineral supplement and deer food people would recommend.

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Re: deer

Food plot... If you have the right conditions and soil then it would be the best bet, the right food plot and maintenance should last at least each yr. opposed to buying several bags of feed or several mineral blocks. Just try to find a secluded area that is open enough for a food plot and it should hold deer and really help with nutrition.

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Re: deer

I have heard of people doing food plots here in the Oregon coast range, but the animals eat it all in just days leaving nothing left. They told me that I would have to do a very huge area for a food plot to last, but that is impossible here in the extremly thick forest. The largest openings are only like 20ft by 20ft., and there is not very many of those where I hunt. The ground in almost completly covered by trees, ferns, and shade. So does a food plot still sound like it would work in such a small area?

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Re: deer

I would agree with the food plot. It will probably actually be cheaper than trying to put out the feed year around. Just more labor on your end and you will have to keep on it pretty good the first year to get a good growth. The nice thing is next year the smae area will have more minerals in the ground from you plot last year to help the growth. If you have a large enough area you could actually put in 2 with one being possible a winter wheat or some type of food that could last through the winter.

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Re: deer

I guess the problem is that it is a timber company so they are not wanting you to cut down a small area with little trees. I mainly hunt in IL and IN so we have plenty of open areas. I would talk to the timber company and see if there is a area that they would let you clear to make a small food plot. Never know until you ask.

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