Diane Lane........


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Recently a fellow forum user and moderator refered to Diane as "not bad for an old broad".........

I therefore must submit for public scrutiny this little montage of the most stunning woman in the world.

Like a fine wine she has truly gotten better with age, and hopefully someday soon she will realize that she can no longer live without me.

This one's for you Strut10........ The next Mrs. JJL7913

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Re: Diane Lane........


This one's for you Strut10........

[/ QUOTE ]

No..................no it ain't. Not me. crazy.gif

Don't get me wrong..........that gal's not possum ugly or anything. But, come on.............. I'm not so sure I'd even gawk at her on the beach....... even if I knew my Mrs. wouldn't catch me. grin.gifgrin.gif

Must get lonely in Illinois this time of year. confused.gif

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