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I live and hunt blacktail deer in the Oregon coast range (mountains). I hunt on timber company land 1-2 miles back behind locked gates. I would like to attract deer and possibly help antler growth without spending thousands of dollars a year. Would it be good to put out mineral blocks and alfalfa year round, while hanging my 30 gallon barrel of deer food 2 weeks prior of season and throughout the season to help with this? I don't mind the hard work, but would like to know if this sounds good and what mineral supplement and deer food people would recommend. I have heard of people doing food plots here in the Oregon coast range, but the animals eat it all in just days leaving nothing left. They told me that I would have to do a very huge area for a food plot to last, but that is impossible here in the extremly thick forest. The largest openings are only like 20ft by 20ft., and there is not very many of those where I hunt. The ground in almost completly covered by trees, ferns, and shade. So does a food plot still sound like it would work in such a small area? Im not worried about people finding my spot. I have really never seen anyone hike as far back behind the locked gates as I do.

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Re: deer

If you've got locked gates, how do you plan to get your farming equipment in? Sounds to me like your situation would be better served by setting up a supplemental feeder (if legal) and feeding protein pellets. You can buy the pellets in 50 lb bags and haul them in with a wheel barrow. Of course if there is livestock grazing the area, they'll gobble up all of the protein before the deer have a chance to get to it.

And welcome to the forums!

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Re: deer

You can buy small salt blocks or powdered salt from your local feed store.Dig a shallow impression 2'x2' and mix the loose salt in the soil or place your block in it.I would use the trace mineral salt which is brown so maybe most people won't spot it and start hunting over it.

Some of the guys here use a mixture salt and calcium maybe somebody will post it on here for you?

Is it legal to place salt,feeders or food plots for deer hunting in your state?

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Guest luckyman4

Re: deer

Sounds like a big deer herd for an area with small carrying capacity. Are you willing to shoot as many does as you can??

Feed stations and mineral sites can help you shoot more deer, and if you have enough people to get the population back in balance with the land, that is a way to help the health of your herd. Providing supplemental feed without shooting a bunch of does, however, will increase your population, and compound the problem further (and WILL cost a fair amount of money). Also, the most effective way to get bigger antlers is to allow the bucks to get to a mature age before harvesting them.

Are there any clearcuts on the land you can hunt?? If so, they are usually the best source of browse in an area like you described. . . consider them your foodplots.

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