Remember my post about losing my manhood?


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Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood?



WELL....I turned in a sample in Nov.......I got a call back from the Doc's office today shocked.gifconfused.gifshocked.gif...I still have some shells in the gun shocked.gifcrazy.gifmad.gifconfused.gif...MAN OH MAN am I glad the wife and I have been careful. tongue.gif

[/ QUOTE ]And you put it so well!!!!! grin.gif

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OMG!!!!! ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!! I have tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................pleaseeeeeeeee................ grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I sorry! I didnt mean that in a bad way! The shells thing got me!!!!!!!! grin.gifcrazy.giftongue.gif

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Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood?




WELL....I turned in a sample in Nov.......I got a call back from the Doc's office today shocked.gifconfused.gifshocked.gif...I still have some shells in the gun shocked.gifcrazy.gifmad.gifconfused.gif...MAN OH MAN am I glad the wife and I have been careful. tongue.gif

[/ QUOTE ]And you put it so well!!!!! grin.gif

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OMG!!!!! ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!! I have tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................pleaseeeeeeeee................

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same hear, thats some funny stuff right there

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Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood?


not to get into any details but i still had a few swimmers 6 weeks after the procedure. Another month and I was good to go.

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ok 6 weeks.....I had IT done in july...sample in nov...still swimmers to sample in Jan again crazy.gif...I really don't want them to go under the hood again crazy.gifshocked.gifconfused.gif

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Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood?

Remember muff, it isn't time that matters. It's test drive activiny that will render you safe to be around other female humans again.

My doc told me how long it would take so I asked him if he had any children going into practice and that he might have to refer me to them. My wife laughed at first and then she punched me. laugh.gif


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Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood?


Remember muff, it isn't time that matters. It's test drive activiny that will render you safe to be around other female humans again.

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not to get this post kicked off NEW but I thought I have been driving alot...4 months...WOW....even my wife looked at me and are a manly man....wish this was over and done with.

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Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood?



Remember muff, it isn't time that matters. It's test drive activiny that will render you safe to be around other female humans again.

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not to get this post kicked off NEW but I thought I have been driving alot...4 months...WOW....even my wife looked at me and are a manly man....wish this was over and done with.

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Ah ha ha ha ha!

I told the urologist to explain to my wife that it would revert if it wasn't test driven once a day or more. She had to be in the consult and give her connsent ....CONSENT? hey, it's only by the grace of the Almighty that have arms which are 6" longer than hers that she hasn't performed a home version on me already laugh.gif!


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