Deer feed

Guest easttn

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Re: Deer feed


Purina Antler-Max is awesome. I've been using it for two years now and last year I saw bucks gain 25 to 30 inches adn body size went up too. Go to and they have a dealer search that you can find a dealer in your area.

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How does the weather effect this feed,because i will be using this in a gravity fed feeder not a electronic one.

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Re: Deer feed

Antler-Max is water resistant. It will stand a fair amount of rain before it falls apart. In my opinion it will probably work BETTER in a gravity type feeder over and electronic one. After all when the electronic activates the feed is totally exposed to element while lying on the ground. The demand type gravity feeder wouldn't let as much get exposed. give this stuff a shot I'm more than pleased.

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Guest anderson3

Re: Deer feed

Moisture will make pellets swell and fall apart...and get moldy, of course. This could be rain, or just 'drawing damp' in the feeder or on the ground. Managing spoilage in feed products is a real challenge when trying to feed wild animals.

Advertising claims for deer products have been known to be exaggerated a little bit, so keep that in mind as you set your expectations. The extent to which a commercial feed can change a deer's body size or rack depends on two things:

1. How much of it he/she actually eats over time. and

2. what else is available nearby for deer to other words, what is the feed replacing in the animals' diet?

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Guest easttn

Re: Deer feed


1. How much of it he/she actually eats over time. and

2. what else is available nearby for deer to other words, what is the feed replacing in the animals' diet?

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On our property the deer have a pretty abundant sorce of food, alot of apple and oak tree's some small fields for them to graze. i not really looking to replace any thing in their diet just looking to add to it.

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