OTP starter gun.........


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Re: OTP starter gun.........

Gold, ha, for little girls. I shot my first BIG bore gun today. .500 Nitro Express 3 in. I believe. I wasn't worried about the recoil, it was the fact I was holding a $75,000 Holland and Holland. It was intense. I had shot more then a few .375 HH rounds before, but this was in a different ball park. What are the minimims for this "Off The Porch" gang

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Re: OTP starter gun.........


What are the minimims for this "Off The Porch" gang

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1: You must be a registered member, in good standing, of the Realtree Forums.

2. You must own and shoot a centerfire, magnum rifle cartridge or cenerfire pistol cartridge .429" or larger. (some exceptions without formal "magnum" designation will be considered i.e. Rigby, Nitro Express, etc)

3. You must have a dislike for hot cocoa.

4. You must reply to this thread with your username and cartridge which you feel qualifies you for membership. Pictures of the cartridges are good, too (but not required)!!

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