I hate my hands...they are evil


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Ok, so my hands have an allergic reaction to a hand soap from Walmart that mom no longer gets because of it - Soft Soap I think it is. Well last week working custodial, I noticed my hands were really dried, but none of that soap is around. The next day they are RED and rashy looking and kind of itch. I'm thinking "What! How did this happen?" Then I realize the Hydroxi Pro which we mix in water and use for general cleaning of stuff such as kitchens, I forgot to put gloves on, although this stuff is suppose to be "safe". So my hands have progressed from dried to red and rashy to red, itchy, and sore, to painfully red,sore and tiny blisters to red and sore to red and itchy to less red and dried dead skin peeling off. It takes about 2 weeks for my hands to heal from this. My mom said I was "rashy" as a baby and obviously I didn't out grow it grin.gifcrazy.giftongue.gif

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Re: I hate my hands...they are evil

Hope the rash heals up quick Ruth. Have dry skin problems with my hands, especially this time of the year. Use a lot of vaseline advanced healing lotion, helps a lot. Might be worth going to a doctor and seeing about getting something like prednisone like Chris suggested.

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Re: I hate my hands...they are evil

You have my sympathy. I have hand eczema. It is worse in the winter, and starts out itchy, then, raw, then cracked and bleeding with big flakes of skin peeling off. Anyone wanna see pics? Or you could just take SRA's word for it. There is medicine to help, you should check into that....

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Re: I hate my hands...they are evil

Sounds like you have sensitive hands. My wife has always had problems with her hands getting rashy, itchy and in the winter time cracking and bleeding.

She would go through lotion like it was going out of style. We went to visit my brother and sister in law in Ohio last year and as a present my sister in law gave my wife some home made lye soap and lotion bars that a friend of hers makes.

When my wife started using that soap and lotion bars, her hands stopped cracking and causing her problems! She has started making it herself now, and to be honest about it has a good little side business going of selling them.

It is amazing how different soaps and things react so differently to your skin.

I hope it clears up for you.

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