Arrow question


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I asked the following question at archerytalk and was wondering what you guys here thought...

I am switching to new arrows and just want to make sure that I order the correct ones for my application. I have not had a new bow in about 15 years and this past year bought an XT. I just want to make sure when I order the arrows, they will not be under or over spined as I want GT's and don't want to have to order them twice.

Here is my set-up...

2006 Mathews Switchback XT 28.5" draw

66 lb draw weight currently (working up to 70lbs in the springtime)

Whisker Biscuit rest

G5 Meta peep with no tubing

no string silencers - I may add a string loop to save on serving wear

arrows will be cut to approximately 27"

I use a release

4" gateway "feathers", with wraps

100 gr tips (both field point and Rocky Mountain Snyper mechanicals)

I want to shoot the Gold Tip - XT hunter shafts 55/75's I 8.2 gpi

I believe the bare shaft will weigh 221.4 grains

add the 100gr head, the fletching at a total of 9 grains, wrap at 10.2grains, the nock at 13 grains, and the insert at appr 21 grains

Total of approximately 374.6 grains each.....

Do you guys see any tuning issues or anything wrong with my new set-up??


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Re: Arrow question

You might want to go up to the 75/95's. My Switchback is 70 pounds, 28" draw length and my arrows are 27 1/4". The 55/75's probably would have worked, but if you are on the edge it is always best to go with the stiffer spine. The 75/95's shoot bullet holes on paper for me and arrow flight is fantastic.

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Guest deadeye270

Re: Arrow question

those arrows will be fine because your cutting them down to 27 in. That said.... switchys are notorious for tuning easier with overspined arrows. I would go with the 75/95.

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Re: Arrow question

With you cutting the arrow down to 27 inches, will drastically stiffen the spine on them and you'll be just fine. My brother has got two of the XT's and uses the 5575's on a 70# draw weight at 28.5" arrows on a 30" draw, they fly like darts. I've never understood why you would want to go above specks on an arrow when it calls for that arrow to handle from 55 to 75 pounds, when your shooting within that arrows tolerances on your draw weight. You don't want to be way over spined on any type of bow you shoot. JMO

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