Global Warming....


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Re: Global Warming....

I think it is a bunch of liberal hype!

The temperature goes in cycles and has been doing so for years and years! Nothing new!!

The democrates will hype this to get elected and we are going to pay out the nose for study after study that will prove nothing!

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Re: Global Warming....

Just warm weather cycles. The only real supporting arguement for global warming I've heard is the fact that the weather has been warming consistently for 30 years.

What people don't realize or mention is that a 30 year cycle is not out of the ordinary. After all, 30 years is a very short amount of time when you consider how long this planet has been around. grin.gif

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Re: Global Warming....

The Earth has been alternately warming and cooling since it's beginning. Look at Antarctica, it was once a temperate forest and now its a frozen wasteland. Its just the arrogance of man showing through if we think that we're significantly influencing or can somehow control the climate of an entire planet.

So is the planet warming? Possibly

Is it our fault? No

Will this issue be used for polital leverage by those who want to see the U.S. economy weakened? Absolutely!

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Re: Global Warming....


The Earth has been alternately warming and cooling since it's beginning. Look at Antarctica, it was once a temperate forest and now its a frozen wasteland. Its just the arrogance of man showing through if we think that we're significantly influencing or can somehow control the climate of an entire planet.

So is the planet warming? Possibly

Is it our fault? No

Will this issue be used for polital leverage by those who want to see the U.S. economy weakened? Absolutely!

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Tend to agree with Texan... totally agree.

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Re: Global Warming....

yea there are patterns of climate change on the earth, its been happening since the earth was created. but it all comes down to how you define global warming. if you refer to global warming as the way that humankind is SPEEDING UP this process of warming patterns then yes it is true. it might be a natural thing, but we are only contributing to the demise of human kind happening alot sooner than it should.

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Re: Global Warming....

Complete and total fabrication.

The earth's climate has experienced cyclical fluctuation since the beginning of time. Who are we as a race to be so bold to think we could actually do something to affect those changes???? Consider for a moment that one single volcanic eruption contributes more "greenhouse gases" (and CO2 is not "greenhouse gas"'s plant food) to the atmosphere than all of humankind has since we appeared on this earth. Not to mention plant decay and termite farts. We, as the human race, are nary a pimple on the behind of this earth and its atmosphere. "Global warming" is a farce played on us by the liberals and enviro-weenies as a ploy to gain control over energy sources and our freedoms. Who here is old enough to remember the 70's when the "smart people" were all warning us about the impending doom of an approaching "mini-ice age". Funny how, in 30 years or so, the planet could have done such an about-face, ain't it??? smirk.gif

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Re: Global Warming....

Yes I do believe it is happening. The evidence speaks for itself, glacier melt, reduction in polar ice caps, lack of snow in areas well known for it as well as other things. True, the climate does run in cycles but, I heard somewhere that we have experienced the 15 hottest years on record since 1990 and the 5 hottest since 1997, and weather records go back a whole lot farther than 30 or 40 years. As far as volcanic gases being "greenhouse" gases and they have no effect I think that is not a fair example. The amount of particulates that are ejected by a volcanic eruption are enough to actually shade the sun and lower temperatures. After the eruption of Krakatoa the earths temperature dropped by 3 degrees on average. However, Krakatoa did eject 20 times the amount of ash and pumice as Mt. St. Helens. Do I think that the human race is responsible for global warming? Not totally, but I do believe that we are helping the process along and that there are things that we as a species could do to help slow the process. Just my two cents.

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Re: Global Warming....

I don't know or have a clue. But when the news weather shows the record lows and highs, there have been many highs set back in the 1930's and 40's.?????? What caused the ice age? I think it's just the earth changing in a direction we don't want it to.

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Guest WhiskeyMan44

Re: Global Warming....

Where your argument is flawed muggs is that humans havent been putting out the waste/dangerous gases to impact the environment in mass quantities until after the Industrial Revolution. Are there cycles in nature? Of course. Do those cycles include the weather? Obviously. But at the rate we add gases to the environment and with the indescretion we do so, it's ridiculous to say we havent impacted/raised the atmosphere's temperature some. We are responsible and we need to cut down. Are we at the point of no reture. I dont believe so. But to completely deny global warming and humans playing a role in it is simply ignorant.

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Guest WhiskeyMan44

Re: Global Warming....

Strut, that link is ungodly biased in it's approach. And, more than likely the misinformed opinion of someone who works for companies who gain from others siding against global warming. That, or someone who is so desperate to fight anyone who isnt a super consersative that they will post anything they can argue as fact to fight the "hippies." Simply ridiculous. Listen to the tone of the writer and the words used in it. Claiming over-hype and people trying to toss the nation into panic negates the studies supporting global warming. I've taken classes on scientific writing and this, sir, is not it. It's an attempt to sway people with harsh, quick attacking worda that some people respond to. Any true scientific writing would take into account what is possible and what they feel is correct. With all the proof for global warming, a scientist with any crediblity would claim global warming a possiblity. If he/she felt global warming wrong, they would claim that, but would not dismiss the proof as this article/"scientist" does. Flawed, to put it quite politely.

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Re: Global Warming....

From Accuracy in Media:

"One of the enduring myths perpetuated by radical environments holds that the earth's temperatures have been rising faster than ever before in history. They attribute this supposed increase to greenhouse gases generated by human activity. Global warming advocates repeatedly warn that temperature increases are accelerating and point to data from 2002. Scientists have claimed that global temperatures in 2002 were "the hottest since records began." They also have claimed that the 1990s were the hottest decade in one thousand years of recorded history.

But new research refutes that claim. Researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (a biased group, too? confused.gif) examined so-called temperature proxies such as tree rings, ice cores, and historical accounts. These scientists concluded recent temperature increases pale in comparison with those experienced during the Medieval Warm Period. They found that temperatures recorded by proxies were "significantly higher" from the ninth to the fourteenth centuries than those experienced today.

Moreover, the Medieval Warm Period was followed by a "Little Ice Age," which began around 1300. During that period, the earth's temperatures cooled dramatically. About 1900, according to this new study, the earth began to warm up again, but temperatures have yet to reach those of the Medieval Warm Period.

The study also identified a significant flaw in the case put forward by global warming alarmists. They allege that climate scientists have been charting temperature changes since the end of the Little Ice Age. By starting from a period in which the Earth was relatively cold, this skews their data and exaggerates the significance of current temperature increases. In short, today's increases seem to represent little more than earth's recovery from a relatively cold period. As one scientist said, global warming alarmists lack a "proper sense of history."

That conclusion has upset global warming activists. They charge that the use of temperature proxies is an "unreliable" measure of historical change. And they refuse to accept the Medieval Warm Period as a starting point to judge historical trends. One advocate said that "the present consensus of scientists on the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was that the Medieval Warm Period could not be used to judge the significance of existing warming." He didn't explain why.

Global warming skeptics also remind us that the Medieval Warm Period was a time of plenty, but when temperatures started to drop severe famine and economic collapse followed. That would seem to undercut the alarmist scenarios used to advocate radical changes in human activity. Dailies in the U.K., Canada, and Australia covered the story well. In the U.S., however, the Philadelphia Inquirer was the only major metropolitan daily to run a news story on the study (I wonder why? smirk.gif). The Scripps Howard News Service ran a wire story and that was picked up in smaller markets in Indiana, Michigan, Florida, and elsewhere. Global warming advocates, like the New York Times, ignored the story altogether."

The story did not run in the U.S. because the liberal media puppets know it doesn't fit the propaganda profile of their doomsday "scientists" like Al Gore (who also invented the internet, you know) are vomiting on TV on a daily basis. "Global warming" theory is nothing more than a libera/socialist,environmentalist attempt at gaining control over another aspect of our daily lives.

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Guest WhiskeyMan44

Re: Global Warming....

Strut, I'll see what I can find for you as far as unbiased research goes. However, please quit using conservative anti-liberal "news" stories in support. It was compelling until I read that last paragraph, which smelled a lot like conservative bias. After looking around the website it didnt take long to realize the type of propaganda machine it itself obviously is. Looking through all of the news stories listed on the "front page" over half seem to be blasting the media for having such a liberal bias. Do I believe everything said in our news stories? No. But there is no liberal bias. News is big business. Big business is conservative. The remaining stories generally deal with the republicans with one of them finally attacking them for the Foley scandal. I then proceeded to read the "Who We Are" section, and naturally the editor has clear conservative bias. They even have a link to his own personal website that screams conservative and extreme rightest conspiracy theories. I'm sure these are websites you might find compelling or represent you because they promote the ideals that you hold. But with that much bias you have to be able to seperate news from propaganda.

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Re: Global Warming....


Strut, I'll see what I can find for you as far as unbiased research goes...........

......Do I believe everything said in our news stories? No. But there is no liberal bias.

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Thank you, but don't bother with the links, sir. Anyone who does not recognize the overwhelming liberal bias in the news media bears no further consideration on my part. Sorry.


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Re: Global Warming....

Whiskey, I agree that burning fossil fuels is something that needs to be change (as in finding alternative energy sources) but I still don't think anyone can say positively that "global warming" is truely an issue...or that burning fossil fuels has in fact generated the problem.

For example, take the Ozone scare of the 90's...when is the last time you've heard a word about that. Now, channel Whiskeyman44 circa 1995...I'm sure all you heard was how mankind would all suffer skin cancer and in a few short years the hole in the ozone would increase 100 fold in size...

well, that sure doesn't seem to be an issue anymore. This is all media sensationalism and scare tatics...keep the masses afraid and on edge and they'll consume and follow.

Now, consider this. What in the world does Al Gore have to do with Global Warming?? Has anyone stopped to ask why he's involved with this. Especially the way he is involved...Hollywood...movies?? If he was truly just a concerned Political figure, wouldn't addressing the issue (with all his supporting evidence) to congress be the most effective way to get results?

Why make a movie?? I tell you why, to get the attention of the masses...and send them into fear mode. Obviously, the left sees this as an opportunity for votes...

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Re: Global Warming....

THe thing that ticks me off is that people think were not affecting this planet at all!

We are!

How can you not say that billions of cars producing tons of pollution arent affecting this planet.

Or the tons of factories and power plants?

We are at the least polluting this planet too much! In 50-100 years watch what this planet is like.

We consume too much, we pollute too much, period.

(This was not directed at Muggs, just the general public.)

Except for this, Muggs, the ozone argument is horrible.

The reason why we dont hear about it is because the world responded to that threat super fast. Things got better.

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Re: Global Warming....

Without a doubt, we pollute to much and we're ruining our enviroment...but, I still don't still SUV's are causing the Polar Ice Caps to melt.


The reason why we dont hear about it is because the world responded to that threat super fast. Things got better.

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Things got better? The problem was irreversible. How could it improve?

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Re: Global Warming....


Millions of SUVS Produce Millions of Tons of CO2

Millions of tons of Co2 makes just that much more heat stay in our atmosphere.

THat raises the temperature.

Higher Temperatures = Warming

Warming = Melting of Some Ice

Common Sense, lol.

And the Ozone was said to be irreversable, if we didnt try to fix it fast.

Where Do People think this CO2 is going, it doesnt just poof and dissappear. It stays up in our air for a long time.

BTW, Go Buckeyes grin.gif

Oh and look forward for a hot 2007.


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Re: Global Warming....

Actually, that's not the way its theorized to work at all. The gases created from the burning of fossil fuels rise into the atomosphere and trap UV rays from the sun, not allowing them to escape the atomosphere as they normally would. This is theorized to increase global temps. I don't buy it and I'm positive there's no real way to prove this theory. At one point in time, the theory was that the world was flat...that wasn't right either.

Anyway, I like the second (Go Buckeyes part) grin.gif

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