
Guest abster71

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Guest abster71

has anyone heard of misting a guy told me about it awhile back about mixing coyote urin and I think water and spraying it around you to bring in more yotes where does a person get yote urine? any help thanks

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Guest Jeff_Thomason

Re: misting?

There are alot of guys out there that do still mist. They believe that if a coyote circles downwind the smell will confuse them long enough for a shot. Here is my take. After you mix gallons of urine, get it on your hands, clothes, and spill it in your truck,(which is going to happen" You are going to be asking yourself if it is really worth it. Just shoot em before they get down wind. grin.gif

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Guest songdog_sniper

Re: misting?

Yep, I agree with Jeff. Too much of a hassle and I can't say for sure that it even works. I used to spray coyote urine on my boots while walking out to my next setup but that got old real quick. I don't use any type of cover scent anymore. I just shoot them before they get down wind of me. Aaron

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