Handgun for Deer Hunting


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Re: Handgun for Deer Hunting

Decision depends on the following:

1. restrictions in your state

2. How much you want to spend

3. Do you Hand load?

Assuming you want to stick with a revolver and its your first hunting revolver I would go with the 44 mag. There are a multitude of componenets and variables available. Ruger, Smith and Tarus make some great revolvers. While I tend to lean toward Smith and Wesson, the Rugers are the heaviest built gun. Rugers can usually be purchased cheaper and the deer hunting models come with an intergrated ring mounting system on top. They also throw in the rings for free! I hae owned a couple of Ruger Redhawk (double action) and blackhawk (single action) revolvers over the years. They all were accurate enough for hunting out to 100 yards. If it were my first purchase, a hunter model Redhawk would be my recommedation. I then would purchase a Burris or Leupold 2X or 4X (personal preference) fixed power scope. There are others, but I have found these to hold up the best. I have a fixed 2X leupold on a 475 wildey mag and it has performed flawlessly. Go to Smith and Wessons web site and Rugers to take a look. I'm sure some other guys my help you out on this as well. If you want to start out with the ultimate revolver try a Smith and Wesson 460 mag (performance center) topped with a Leupold 2x-7x matching scope. Loaded with 200 gr Hordany rounds, its hunting accuracy is acceptable to around 200 yards! Its a cannon, but it shoots very well with very little recoil (unlike the SW500).

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Guest IAbooner

Re: Handgun for Deer Hunting

I have the Ruger Super Redhawk 44. mag. with a 2x Burris scope. I did have a Taurus 44. but could not get scope rings for it. The difference in the two guns was evident right out of the box. The Ruger won hands down as far as I was concerned!

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Re: Handgun for Deer Hunting

Since your asking about revolvers Id have to agree with these guys.

Ruger or S&W in something at or over .44 cal.

>357 is a bit light for deer believe it or not. It can be used but it runs right around minimum for a deer caliber.

I was shocked with this when told as well.

I have a ruger 357 black hawk and was told an ammo to use but forget what it was. Handgunnr can tell ya if you have a 357....

Good Luck and welcome.

Oh BTW look at the T/C contender or encore lines too.

Pricey but worth every penny IMHO.

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Re: Handgun for Deer Hunting

I would totally agree the 357 mag is light at best. Pistol bullets, muzzleloader projectiles and shotgun slugs make poor ballistic projectiles. Foot pounds of energy are vitally important from the start. It is recommended that you choose a load that provides a minimum of 500 foot pounds of energy at 100 yards. This would put the 41 mag at a minimum. Even the mighty 44 mag drops off drastically at 100 yards. A hot Load with a 240 grain slug can produce 1350 foot pounds at the muzzle yet drop to 600 at 100 yards. This information can be found in the back of most reloading manuals. Even if you don't reload, they provide a wealth of knowledge. I obtained this information from the Fifth edition of Nosler's reloading guide.

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