2007 Realtree Oklahoma Get Together...


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Gang, the inevitable has happened.... I cant make it.

I really hate it too. I was ready for this year's shoot the minute I pulled out of the drive last year. Also, I really enjoyed writing the story for the RT homepage and taking pics.

To many Irons in the fire and even though I knew about the GT'er it came so quickly it almost snuck up on me.

Someone Take a lot of pics!

And a big, Sorry to you Dale. I know how much work you put in this. It just isnt possible this year. Now I have to wait an entire year to come down for a visit.

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Man Jeramie, sorry to hear this. Those of you not able to make it will surely be missed.

****** RANGE CHANGE ********

I talked to Dale the other day, there is a range about 5 miles from his house, we are gonna go there and shoot, cost is $10. Not sure on how many targets, but at least 20 I'd bet

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Man Jeramie I sure hate to hear that your not coming...

Yeah it's hard believe that this years Get Together is went down hill. I figure alot of it is due to the high Gas Prices and all.

I kept saying that this year has been really crazy so far...But I do understand that things happen...

I hope by next year things will get back to normal and we can all pull together for a day.

Yall will be missed here this year for sure...

Just keep your heads up and look forward to next year...2008...

I tell ya folks I have been busy around here like crazy and to top it all of I got sick last weekend...I'm happy to say that I'm doing better now...

Jason that range isn't 5 miles...It's like 1 1/2 to 2 miles down the road from me...

I haven't seen this range and I'm not sure on how many targets this guys has. I do know that he has put on a few Tournaments at this place. So I am betting that there will be at lease 25 to 30 targets (Just A Guess)... He charges $10.00 pr. head to shoot. Which in my book isn't a bad price to stick some foam...His hours are from 8am. till 12pm.

So we need to get there about 10 or so...

So to the rest of you that are coming...

Drive careful and I will see you Sat. morning...

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Not sure how DeAnna or I will shoot. I'am still waiting on a draw mod for her new bow, plus I still got to cut all her new arrows down. I got them all fletched last night, so I've done about all I can do until I get the draw mod in to finish everthing up. If I'am lucky it will come tomorrow, and she can shoot it friday evening. If not, she will be shooting her old bow which neither her or I like. Regardless, we'll be there shooting something:D

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Got the T-shirts today boys !!!!!!! They look really good. They are a little different than last year's but are pretty nice.

Cole and I are pumped up and ready to go. We will be leaveing hear around 4:00 Sat. morning. That should put us Dale's around 7:00- 7:30.

Caint wait !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well another one bites the dust. I talked to Kyle last night. If he was coming I was gonna ride up with him since my truck is in the shop. After talking to him last night we decided we're not gonna be coming this year. Between the lack of people and the cost of gas. Hope ya'll have a good'un and see ya next year.

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Hey guys I just talked to Dale. He is out working on the ranch. Says everything is good to go and the course we will be going to is Tupelo. His computer is on the Fritz again. He said if any of you need to talk to him for me to give ya'll his cell #. Gator has it as well if I'm not on.

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