Almost had a Mathews!


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A guy on had a Mathews Legacy for sale for $335, I was interested, but he sold it.

He posts tonight that it is back for sale - deal didnt work out!

Unfortunalty a week before Christmas and the good ole mortgage is due - I have to pass! frown.gif

Looks like another dude is gonna get it after all!

Dang! I want a Legacy real bad!

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Re: Almost had a Mathews!

HOYT man HOYT! Whats your prob???

HOYT man HOYT! Whats your prob???

HOYT man HOYT! Whats your prob???

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HOYT man HOYT! Whats your prob???

HOYT man HOYT! Whats your prob???

HOYT man HOYT! Whats your prob???

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Re: Almost had a Mathews!

dont let Ryan fool you he was a Mathews shooter from way back.. glad to see he came into the light also a Hoyt shooter... but i could be bribed into shooting something else for the right amount of dough or free bows !!! grin.gif

dont worry thse mathews legacys are going like hot will get your chance at another one just be patient....

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Re: Almost had a Mathews!

Poor RyanH ... you don't know what it is to have a Mathews in your hand. I know, your scared, cause if you owned one you would never shoot anything else.

Dan, I still have my SQ2. If your interested let me know. It is an awesome bow. It has a muzzy zero effect on it and HHA thripple threat 1000 sight. Plus I have a bow case and 6 arrows to go with it. You can pay me after Christmas and even in payments if you want. I am not sure of your draw length but I was told that you can change it for like $70. Let me know.

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