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On a successful 2006 Oklahoma Deer Season. This was a season of ups and downs. Started off by missing opening day of bow season due to our anniversary. Third weekend I took a doe with my bow, and then it happened, following weekend, I loose my first deer, THAT SUCKED, and to top that off, my sis-in-law was taken to the emergency room the same morning, and I couldn't leave, as I had to look for my deer. THEN I miss a deer at 35yds with my ML, don't know WHAT the heck happened THERE. Next weeklend, off to Okie Bow camp, where it seems by bad luck would follow. Wlaking in the first afternoon, and walking out the next morning, I jumped a deer in the same blasted spot mad.gifsmirk.gif, and the last night, had one come in right as I pulled my bow off my rope. A week later finds the opening weekend of Gun Season!!! WOOOHOOOO, First morning, 0 deer confused.gifconfused.gif Sunday evening, I miss a doe 3 TIMES, 3 TIMES, I have missed 3 deer in 10yrs with that gun, I missed 3 TIMES that night........Don't know how, 30min after missing, I plaster a water bottle at 60yds!! Thanksgiving weekend, I did manage to take a doe and 8pt, so my luck DID change!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif All in all, it was a good season with ALOT of sdeer seen. Now I get to take my 15yr old stepson on his second hunt, first was yesterday, but think the weather screwed us, hopefully it won't in two weeks.

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