If you could... where would you?


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I have had the opportunity to hunt Whitetail in WI, IA, MN, and MO. Obviously these are some good whitetail states, but there are better states to hunt. If you could hunt any state (Providence) for Whitetail (in North America), which one would you go to. I guess for me I would have to say Kansas, but both Montana (milk river) and Saskatchewan would be very enticing... Finally if you could offer a swap (whitetail for whitetail) would you do it?

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Re: If you could... where would you?

I would go to Saskatchewan in a heart beat! But have been told my fiance would kill me if I didn't take him too...lol What do you mean by swap? Swapping hunts? Or I help someone hunt in Maine and they help me in their area? Either way I would say yes, would be happy to show someone around my area even if I wasn't going to theirs. But I hope they have a lot of time....hunting in Maine can take some time! LOL

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Re: If you could... where would you?

I would have to choose Sask over the others for sheer body size that goes along with the rack. Up here in the New England states, body size seems more important then rack size.

However Illinios would be one of my top picks for the states...

But like someone said there are many true trphy states the choose from so it would break down to whos state I could afford.. LOL

As for a swap hunt.

Yes I would and have swapped hunts with some of my forum buddies. The NY/VT hunts never panned out this year but are still on the table for next year. (I hope)

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: If you could... where would you?

I live in Kansas and would have to say Iowa or Milk River in Montana. If I ever own land here I will definitely swap whitetail for whitetail.

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Re: If you could... where would you?

South or west Texas. Its the only place I know of where you can take a 150 plus buck, a turkey, a javelina, a feral hog, and a limit of quail all in the same day off of the same ranch. And if you still have some time left, you can probably get into some good duck hunting at one of the local ponds.

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