When buying a bow, what do you look into?


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Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

I like a big brace height

smooth draw

decent valley right before the back wall

grip style

I'd bought my Q-2 about 7 years ago, and can't bring myself to look at another bow. I'm deadly with this thing. My confidence level is through the roof with this bow.

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Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

I look into that it fits me comfortably, that it comes in my draw length and draw weight, that in the drawl length and draw weight I want how it performs speed and accuracy wise, how smooth the draw back is, how sturdy the back wall is, and how much shock results in shooting an arrow from it. Then I look at the proshop's customer support quality and warrenties on their work, the company that made the bow's warrenty and customer support quality, and for if that particular model bow has any issues with faulty parts that have a pattern, and last thing I look at is price of the bow.

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Guest tunkhannockbowhunter

Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

smooth, quiet, shock free. i could care less how fast my bow shoots as long as it is whisper quiet. i also prefer a bow that has been in production for awhile so that the bow company has hopefully perfected any mechanical problems with the model. i shoot a mathews outback and she is as quiet as a mouse in a trap wink.gif

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Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

First thing I do is check into the dealer that I'm buying it from - make sure he stands behind his stuff. I want to know what he's planning to do for me if something serious happens to my bow during deer season.

Past that I'm at how it fits/feels to me. I want a smooth draw and a quiet release.

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Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

Well I've only bought one bow, the other one was bought for me, and old used Hoyt. My Hoyt I bought in October, while I was looking at other bows, I was looking for something somewhat lightweight, correct draw length, comfort and then I guess what others have said about the bow.

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Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

Well since I just bought a new bow in October I can tell you what I was looking for. I was looking for something faster, smoother, and quieter. The feeling while holding the bow and the whole process of drawing back also had to feel comfortable. I wanted something that was pretty light weight so I can handle holding it up for long periods of time with out getting tired.

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Guest Antony

Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

Before I even touch any bow, I'll look into limb style, weight, axle to axle length, brace height, price, let-off, etc. After you get a list of what seems to fit, all you can do is test the bows out to decide what feels the best, has the best quality, smoothest draw, and so on. Lots of preference.

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Re: When buying a bow, what do you look into?

first thing i look for is money in my wallet smile.gif (i don't go shoot the new bows unless i can afford one, last thing i want to do is shoot one and love it and then want one when i don't have the money to buy it) then i look for smoothness, how quiet it is, little to no vibration and a solid back wall.

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