new christmas shotgun

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well, my parents got me another shotgun... this time it is a Beretta 391A. I'm in the middle of an elk hunt, so I haven't had a chance to get it out into the marsh yet, but I hope to get it there soon.

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Re: new christmas shotgun

Oh Baby!! what a sweet shooting shotgun. I can't say enough good about that gun. also, I was a bit off in the original post, I called it a 391A, it is actually an AL391 Urika with the synthetic stock.


The previous gun I had was a Stoeger M2000 - it was an ok gun, but I'll never buy another gun from any company that tells you a gun needs to be broken in before it operates correctly.

Now granted, the Stoeger was a $350 shotgun and the Beretta was a $850 shotgun... It really shows that you get what you pay for. I've shot 3 boxes of ammo through it so far and have had 0 problems. It cycles very fast and seems to shoot very well. I've shot more ducks in the last 2 weekends than I have all year. Only thing I need now is a dog that retrieves... smile.gif

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Re: new christmas shotgun

Very sweet looking gun I have always like those......I have a cheapy black semi auto that I like very 12 yr.old boy wanted one for the holidays....but just a little too much for him.....but I did come across a very nice youth soft camo pump shotgun for him for the holidays......he's very happy with it and its a huge move up from a single shot .410 for dove quite like getting a new gun for x-mas.

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