Handgun Hunters contest..... Results.....


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Well boys, we had a couple guys score with their short barreled guns this year. I want to send out a WELL DONE to VTBowman and jgbennet6 for their success. I was hoping we would have more people score this year but maybe next year....

The following list of members are the guys that signed up for this years contest and the only ones who's votes will count.

1. yooperkenny

2. HarvDog

3. WaCoyote

4. VTBowman

5. Born2Hunt

6. ricfirefighter

7. jgbennett6

8. ftw46

9. LifeNRA

10. WABS

11. zukebaby

12. BowtechTurkeyHunter

13. hangunnr

Here's the three sucessful hunters in no particular order.

1. jgbennet6 with his NY buck.


2. VTBowman with his first M/L and first handgun kill.


3. me, hangunnr with a bonus county doe


What I would like, is those that are eligible to vote to record their vote in this thread as to who you think should be this years winner. We'll run this till the end of January then announce the winner.


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Re: Handgun Hunters contest..... Results.....

My vote is cast for jgbennet6, primarily because he 1) shot a nice buck, 2) used a Ruger single action which I'm partial to, and 3) is rumored to wear a Stormy Kromer hat which are made right here in the beautiful Upper Peninsula (not necessarily in that order).

I never had a chance to blast one this year with my Ruger .357, but had a great season. Took a doe with my bow in a foot of fresh snow in October, shot a 3.5 year old 9 point with my Tikka 7mm on opening day of rifle November 15th, and filled a doe permit with my muzzleloader in early December.

Congrats to all 3 successful handguns hunters!

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Re: Handgun Hunters contest..... Results.....

62 views and only one vote.... Thanks for the support... mad.gif

I was saving my vote in case there was a tie. Instead I'll cast it for VTBowman and declare the contest a tie.

If jgbennett6 and VTBowman will PM me their home mailing addresses I have something for both of you.


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