Cass Creek Calls

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anyone got that little handheld call with the jackrabbit, cottontail distress, howls, pup whines and fawn distress, got it yesterday at gander mtn for 50% off cant beat a hand held e-caller for 10 bucks, you can buy a speaker for it for like 18 bucks but i think im gonna try and get a little speaker from radio shack see if i can rig something up

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Re: Cass Creek Calls

whats the model and make of your e-caller, for a deal like that, nothing beats it. But is it reliable eneough to buy it for that cheap of a price? I mean how loud of sounds does it produce and how far can it go? How realistic? Im not doubting you but i wouldnt buy anything that isnt a quality call even if it is that low of a price. But if you say its a good deal, i might as well have to tak a look at it! lol

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Re: Cass Creek Calls

theya re about 30 bucks up here, not super loud or great quliality but do the trick,my buddy swears he watched a yote coem from over 1/2 mile with his and it does not seem loud but i believe him .I have heard that peopel get them to help out with there calling also, kind of a listining aid, you can also get deer and elk ones! for the price of 30 bucks even cannot go wrong!

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Guest Sureshot_10

Re: Cass Creek Calls

Yea i bought the same call for thirty bucks ou must of got a good deal. We should go out coon hunting tonight, it should be a good night.

Give me a call to go hunting Sureshot_10

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Re: Cass Creek Calls


my buddyhas one,he has brought in a few but once they get a bit educated no electronic will ever beat a hand held!good luck with it!

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I'm new at this and I found the same thing after being busted a few times.

Sureshot what kind of hand held call do you use?

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