870 sps

Guest jeremyj

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Guest jeremyj

i have a decision to make i have a 935 mossberg which i truly don't like then i know someone who has a 870 sps camo with a rhino choke and they said they would be willing to swap even. the 870 is in pretty good condition with only 1 scratch my mossberg has been shot about 15 times being i don't like the mossberg should i trade

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Re: 870 sps

Me personally I'd make the trade. You said you don't like the mossberg you have, so I wouldn't see a reason not to trade it for something you may like better. Plus the Rhino choke is a pretty pricey item by itself let along the price of the Remington 870 SPS shotguns. Ultimate decision is up to you, but like I said if you're unhappy with what you have now what do you have to lose to trade and try another gun? At most you will dislike the new one and then have something of higher trade value to trade again in the future until you do find a good gun that pleases you.

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Re: 870 sps

Actually, its a fairly even trade. The 935 semi auto is priced similar to the 870 SPS. If you like the 870, jump on it. The Rhino choke is definately a nice addition. They are not cheap, and they are one of the best.

What don't you like about the Mossberg? Are you looking for a gun that will shoot everything?

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