Prized Possesion??

Ravin R10 man

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Re: Prized Possesion??

The experiences - good and bad - that God has given me and gotten me through. I may not be sure right now what God wants for me in His will but without the experiences I've had, I wouldn't have learned much. Can't take anything with me to heaven but if something material, I would say my box of shed antlers. Each one is unique and I had to work hard for them.

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Re: Prized Possesion??

Well if we are talking about material things then I guess my gun cabinet would be my most prized. I bought it when we got first married and it lived through all four of our kids and their friends. By that I mean kids fighting, throwing things, bouncing balls ect. ect. It is solid oak with deer etching in the glass.


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Re: Prized Possesion??


for those who don't think family is a possession, wait until they are gone....

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Steve, to me a possession is something I own and control, I would never say that I own my wife and kids or any other part of my family. And while I do try to teach, direct and help my children grow, in the end I don't control them in the way that I would consider them a possession.

When they are gone will I miss them, yes more than anything - but having love for someone is way different than possessing something.

Just my viewpoint.

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Re: Prized Possesion??

I was walking around the house trying to find an answer and didn't really find anything! It's all replaceable. Other than family, I 'd have to say health. I can walk, talk, hear and see. That's good enough for me........

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Re: Prized Possesion??

Yeah, I think of possessions being things I can buy or obtain.

I don't think anyone values their vehicle, bow, rifle or even golf clubs, more than a family member.

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Re: Prized Possesion??

I have several. I don't think I can pick just one. The top three would be, a gold K of C pocket watch from one Grandfather who inspired me to join the Knights of Columbus. I have a Hopkins Allen double barrel shotgun that belonged to to my other Grandfather. It is the only thing I have from him. The third is a can of Jim Beam and coke that I believe was given to me from God (it's a long story).

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Re: Prized Possesion??


I'm with Gary, philosophically, I don't think you can possess a human, but, that's JMHO.

Material possessions I prize most, I can think of 3. My dad's 870 Wingmaster (first gun I ever shot), my 1963 Oliver 770, and my "Cancer Survivor" pin.

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That being said, I would have to say my 2005 Dodge Ram 1500!!! cool.gif


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Re: Prized Possesion??

other than family i would say my marlin .22 that my dad bought me with the money from the lever action .243 that was his grandpa's. dad thought his grandpa would rather see me have that then the .243 sit in the closet forever. oh yeah and my yellow lab belle. she's almost 9 and is getting hard of hearing. im not lookin forward to they day she goes to the big marsh in the sky.

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